Page 53 of Trusting Easton
“I didn’t. Well, not for the whole night. Just part of it. I snuck down here around midnight. I couldn’t sleep, knowing you were down here all alone.”
“You better sneak back upstairs before your mom finds out.”
“I’m not worried about it.” He picks up the spilled water glass. “You want me to get you more?”
“Later.” I lean back against the headboard. “Tell me about your game.”
“We won. I knew we would. The other team sucks. It was an easy win.”
“I wish I could’ve been there.”
“Maybe the next one, if you’re feeling better.”
“You shouldn’t have made your mom miss the game. It’s your senior year. She should’ve been there.”
“She’s been to tons of games. I didn’t care if she missed one, and I didn’t want you being here alone when you’re sick.”
“I think your dad was mad she missed the game. He called her when she was down here and it sounded like they were fighting.”
“They’ve been fighting all week. They just need some time to cool off. I’m sure they’ll be over it by the time he’s back from his trip.”
“Are they fighting about me?”
He laughs. “No. Why would you think it’s about you?”
“Because you made it sound like they’ve been fighting since I showed up here on Thanksgiving.”
“They were fighting withmeabout that, not each other. They were pissed I was sneaking off to see you and lying about it. They didn’t start fighting with each other until later. I think it started last weekend.”
“Your mom said your dad doesn’t know that I’m here. That means he doesn’t want me here. I think I should leave tomorrow, or maybe later today if I’m feeling better.”
“You’re not leaving. My dad will be gone all next week. My mom’s already agreed to let you stay.”
“I know, but I feel like I’m causing problems with your family.”
“You’re not, and stop thinking that.” He leans down and kisses my forehead, then gets up. “I’m going to go get you some more water. How about breakfast? Do you think you could eat?”
“I was just about to ask her that,” Penelope says as she comes in the room. “How’s our patient?”
“Better,” I say. I still feel like I’m dying, but if I tell her that, she’ll take me to the doctor.
She comes over to me, holding the thermometer. She holds it over my forehead and waits for the beep. “It’s a little over 101. Still high, but it’s going in the right direction.” She holds out her hand. “I brought you more pills.”
“I have to get her some water,” Easton says. “I’ll be right back.”
“I spilled it,” I tell Penelope, pointing to the water pooled up on the nightstand. “I was going to clean it up. I just—”
“Don’t worry about it.” She goes into the bathroom that’s attached to the bedroom and brings back a small towel to wipe up the spill. “Do you think you could eat something?”
“I could try.”
“You look better,” she says, smiling at me.
“I feel gross. I really need to shower. I still feel like that’s guy’s hands are—” I stop, realizing I almost told her about Vince and what happened in his office. I’ve been trying not to think about that so I don’t know why I almost blurted it out.
Penelope’s looking at me with concern. “What man are you talking about?”
“No one.” I laugh it off. “I don’t know what I was saying. I’m really out of it right now.”