Page 74 of Trusting Easton
“People still shouldn’t care who you’re dating,” she says.
“But they do, and now everyone’s going to think we’re together.”
“Is that bad?”
“It is if I’m trying to get a girlfriend.”
“Is that what you want?”
“You already know the answer to that.”
She doesn’t say anything.
“This is about Paris, isn’t it?” I say.
“What are you talking about?”
“The reason you told Jace that. He mentioned Paris and that’s when you told him we’re dating. You don’t want Paris thinking I’m available.”
“I really don’t care what she thinks.”
“Then why tell Jace that you and I are together?”
She whips back to me. “Because it’s what I want, okay?” She shoves my chest. “I don’t want anyone else having you. I want you to be mine.” She’s breathing hard, looking like she wants to punch me for making her admit how she really feels.
I pull her toward me and kiss her, on the lips, keeping it short, but long enough that I feel her body relax.
When I pull away, she sits back on the couch, glaring at me.
“Now that we’ve cleared that up, should we finish the movie?”
She smiles a little. “You’re really annoying.”
“It’s one of the many reasons you love me.” I bring her back in my arms and put the movie to where it was before Jace interrupted us. I’m glad he did. If he hadn’t, Nova wouldn’t have admitted she wanted us to get back together. I knew she did. She just wouldn’t let herself. She’s convinced we won’t work out because it’s all she knows. Things never work out for her.
I don’t want our relationship to be one of those things that doesn’t work out. I’m determined to do all I can to keep this going, to keep her in my life, hopefully forever.
“Did they cancel school?”Jenna yells from upstairs.
“No!” her mom yells back. Every time Jenna hears her mom’s phone ring, she calls down to see if they cancelled school tomorrow.
It’s Sunday night and Easton and I are sitting with his mom at the kitchen table. We had dinner earlier, but I was still hungry so I’m having another bowl of Penelope’s homemade chicken noodle soup. It’s so good. And I’ve got an appetite again so I can actually eat a whole bowl of it.
My fever broke this morning and I feel a lot better. I’m still really tired. I spent all day on the couch, watching movies with Easton. Even though I’m sick, it was the perfect day, snuggled up with Easton under mounds of comfy blankets. Easton’s mom baked cookies and brought them downstairs to us, along with some other snacks. She’s really nice. Easton’s lucky he got her for a mom. Too bad his dad isn’t nice. I shouldn’t say that since I don’t actually know him, but he didn’t seem nice when he told me to get lost on Thanksgiving. He’ll be furious when he finds out I’ve been staying here, and even more furious if Easton tells him we’re back together.
Easton and I haven’t talked about our relationship since yesterday, when he got me to admit that I want him back. I’m so mad at myself for doing that, but I wasn’t even thinking. I just blurted it out. It started with stupid Jace, bringing up Paris and making me get all jealous and territorial. I’ve never felt that way about a guy, but as soon as Jace said Paris’ name I was on the attack. There was no way I was letting that bitch get her manicured claws in Easton again, not that he’d take her back, but I wasn’t going to risk it. And I wanted him back. More than anything, I wanted us to be together again, but I didn’t think it could happen. And now that it has, I don’t think it’ll last. I’m back where I was before Ted died, wanting to be with Easton, but scared of losing him.
“They’re not going to cancel school,” Easton says, taking a cookie from the plate his mom set out. “The snow ended an hour ago.”
“I’m silencing my phone.” Penelope hits the button to silence it. “She’s driving me crazy yelling down here every time the phone rings.”
“What am I going to do about my car?” I ask. “It’s still sitting at the park.”
“I can take you there in the morning,” Penelope says. “We’ll have to leave early so you make it to school on time. When do you need to be there?”