Page 83 of Trusting Easton
His mom goes over to him. “You’re home early.”
“The teacher said we could leave after the test. I finished early and came home.”
“How’d you do on the test?”
“Okay.” He smiles a little. “I think.”
She sighs. “Honey, you need to get your grades up. Being a senior doesn’t mean you can stop studying.”
“Yeah, got it.”
“I’ll let you two talk.” She goes back upstairs.
Easton comes over to the bed. “What was my mom doing in here?”
She better not tell him. I don’t want him to know. If he did, he’d probably drive to my dad’s apartment and beat him up.
“She was just asking if I wanted something to eat. I fell asleep after breakfast and didn’t get up until a few minutes ago.”
“You feeling better?”
“Yeah. A lot.”
“Does that mean you’re going to school tomorrow?” He gives me a hopeful smile.
“Probably not, but maybe later this week.”
“I don’t know. I haven’t decided.” I pause. “Your mom said something that I don’t really believe, but maybe she was just saying it to make me go to school.”
“What did she say?”
“She said she’d ask your dad if I could stay here until she found me someone else to stay with, and that if she couldn’t find someone, she’d get me an apartment.”
“She really said that?”
“You don’t believe her either, do you?”
“I do. I’m just surprised, especially about the apartment. I can’t see my dad agreeing to that.”
“Do you think your dad would let me stay here a little longer?”
“Probably not, but he might agree to it if he thinks it’ll end this fight he’s having with my mom.”
“They’re still fighting?”
“As far as I know. I don’t think she’s talked to him since Friday.”
“What would you do if you were me? Would you go back to school, without knowing if you’ll have a place to live?”
“I would if I had people who I knew would help me.”
“But what if you didn’t know if you could trust them?”
He moves so he’s beside me on the bed, putting his feet up and his arm around me. “I know you don’t know really know my mom, but you know me. And you know I’d never let you live on the streets, or in Ted’s car. You know that, right?”
I look up at him. “I know you don’t want me to, but there’s nothing you can do to help me.”