Page 87 of Trusting Easton
She’s so worried she’ll get kicked out that she’s been super cautious all week, trying not to do anything wrong. And she keeps trying to help out, like doing the dishes, folding laundry, or bringing in groceries from the car. My mom keeps telling her she doesn’t need to do all that, but it’s all Nova knows. Ted spent years threatening to kick her out if she didn’t do what he said and she thinks she has to do the same thing here.
“So you liked the game?” I ask as we go into my room.
“I loved it! I couldn’t believe how many people were there, and they were all cheering for you!”
“Did anyone bother you?” I ask, tossing my gym bag on the floor.
“I noticed people staring at me, but they didn’t talk to me.” Nova laughs a little. “Paris looked like she wanted to kill me.”
“Only because she thinks we’re dating.” I walk up to Nova, wrapping my arms around her waist. “We aren’t, are we?”
“What? Dating?”
“Yeah. Because if we are, I was going to do this.” I lean down to kiss her, but stop before I do. “Yes or no?”
Please say yes. For the love of God, say yes.
“I’m thinking about it. Maybe if you kissed me I could make a decision.”
Damn, she’s good. I’m so pumped from the game and turned on from being around her all week, that I might just give in, and she knows it.
“I’ll just wait.” I back away.
“Are you sure?” she asks, sounding desperate. She was certain I’d kiss her, and now she’s left wanting me to.
“Let’s go have the pizza.” I walk to the door.
“Wait!” She races up to me and shuts the door.
“What are you doing?”
She grabs my shirt, yanks me down to her, and kisses me.
Fuck yeah. Finally!
I grab her around the waist and kiss her back, hoping this means she’s agreeing to get back together. Her lips part and I take the kiss deeper, slowing it down as I turn her so she’s backed against the door. She softly moans, which only makes me want to do more. If I didn’t have my mom waiting for us downstairs, Nova would be on my bed right now and I’d be stripping her naked and doing the things I’ve been wanting to do to her all week.
My hand slides up her shirt, feeling her soft skin. I reach her bra, and just as I’m feeling her tits, I hear my mom yelling.
“Easton, are you upstairs?”
“Shit.” I lower my hand back to Nova’s waist. “We should probably go.”
Nova’s breathing hard, her chest rising and falling.
“You okay?” I back away, smiling at her.
“Not really.”
“What’s wrong?”
Her eyes meet up with mine. “I wanted to keep going.”
“Me too, but I don’t want my mom walking in on us.”
“Easton!” she yells. “The pizza’s getting cold.”
“Be there in a minute!” I yell back.