Page 14 of Chasing Shadows
Ellie arches her brow. “Is that what this is about? You’re punishing her because she fell in love with my brother?”
“You meanourbrother?” I mumble, hating the bitter taste of the words on my tongue.
“Forget it.” I shake my head. “It’s not just that. I’m still messed up over losing you because of all this. I miss you, Ellie–so freaking much. I’m not going to be in a party mood knowing you’re leaving tomorrow. I don’t want to bring down the vibe. Ivy doesn’t deserve that.”
Ellie blinks, trying to hold in her unshed tears. “I miss you, too,” she says quietly. “But we both know why we can’t be together. I hate that our parents have put us in this position, but we can’t change anything now.”
“That doesn’t make it any easier to move on from.”
“I know.”
“Do you ever wish your dad had never said anything?”
“Sometimes,” she admits. “But the truth would have come out eventually.”
I sigh. Her admission doesn’t make any of this hurt less. It just makes me wish things had turned out differently.
“Please, Harley. Think about changing your mind about tonight. I know it would mean a lot to Ivy… and me. I don’t want you to regret your decision.”
Her words echo Jordan’s. Maybe they’re right. It’s been almost three months since I found out Conrad was my brother. Maybe it’s time I stop being angry at the world and try to accept the shitty hand I’ve been dealt.
“I’ve got to go,” she says, standing up. “I hope I see you tonight.”
Watching her walk away kills me inside. Tomorrow she’s going to be gone.
I WALK INTO the Willis’ backyard three hours later with a small gift bag. Ronnie’s the first one to spot me, and she grins, tugging on Jordan’s arm to get his attention. They’re standing in a small group with Brady, Wren, and Ronnie’s housemates. I cut through the crowd towards them, hugging the girls and greeting my mates with a fist bump.
“I’m so glad you’re here,” Wren murmurs in my ear as she squeezes me tight. “Ivy will be, too.”
“Where is the birthday girl?” I ask, my eyes drifting overthe crowd.
“She just went inside to get a drink.”
A drink sounds like a fucking brilliant idea to help me get through tonight. I have training with Steve tomorrow morning, but a couple of beers won’t hurt. I cross the backyard to the sliding door that leads into the breakfast nook off the kitchen.
Ivy and Conrad are helping her mum with some platters of food. I clear my throat, and Ivy looks up, letting out a happy shriek as she runs across the room and jumps into my arms. “You came,” she says happily, wrapping her hands around my neck.
“I couldn’t miss your twenty-first.” I press a kiss into her temple. “You’re my best friend, and I’m sorry for being such an ass.”
“If that present is for me, then you’re forgiven.”
I chuckle as I place her back on the ground. “It’s from me and Lachy,” I tell her, passing her the gift bag.
She pulls out the box containing the two charms I bought to add to her bracelet–a surfing koala and a passport. “Thank you,” she says, slipping her bracelet off so she can add the new charms.
“Hi Harley, darling.” Elouise Willis presses a kiss to my cheek as she passes me with a platter of hot food balancing in her hands. “It’s good to see you.”
“You, too.” I open the door for her to pass through and turn back to see Conrad hovering by Ivy’s side, smiling downat her as she holds up her bracelet to show him. “Hey, man,” I greet him.
“Hey. How’s it going?”
“Not bad, I guess. You?”
I nod, slipping my hands into my pockets and rocking back on my heels. Ivy takes the platter from Conrad and gestures towards the fridge with it. “Why don’t you get Harley a beer while I help Mum get these out?”