Page 24 of Chasing Shadows
I let out an unladylike snort. “I may be good on a skateboard, but there’s no way you’re getting me out on a surfboard. I don’t want to get eaten by a shark, thank you very much.”
Harley gives me a wicked smirk, and I suck in a deep breath as my lady parts quiver. “You think I’d let anything happen to you out on the water?”
“Oh no, Herc. I know you wouldn’tletanything happen to me. But even your God-like qualities would be no match for vicious sea creatures.”
He can’t control his laughter now, tossing his head back as the sound echoes around the quiet room. The pleasure that rolls through me at the thought that I was able to draw that sound from him has my entire body heating up.
“You’re a real trip, Lily,” he says, wiping the corner of his eyes. “I haven’t laughed like that in months. Are you sure you don’t want to come?”
Oh, I want to come, alright. More than you know.I take a deep breath, trying to get myself under control. Harley just broke up with his girlfriend, and technically, I’m still… no, I’m not going to think about it. I’m free. I’m never going back there. “I’m good.” I fake a yawn. “I’m going to go back to bed. I’ll see you at a more reasonable hour.”
I hightail it back to my room, leaning against the closed door and breathing a sigh of relief as I hear him leave thehouse.Holy shit.I don’t know if I’ve done the right thing, moving in here. Harley is… more than I remember. More kind. More protective. More attractive. What a freaking combination. I fan myself with my hands.
Get yourself together.
But it’s easier said than done. My whole body is thrumming at just the thought of his toned and sculpted chest, the way his six-pack leads down to that delicious v that promises something equally appealing below.
I bury my head in my hands. Well, at least I know I’m not broken after what happened to me. My body still desires the opposite sex. If only it weren’t so desperate for someone that I’m not allowed to fantasize about. Harley is offering me a safe place to stay for the first time in my life. I can’t fuck that up.
With a huff, I push off the door and make my way over to my bag, digging deep–thankful that I had the foresight to pack it. It doesn’t stop the guilt washing over me, though, as I strip off my pants and undies, climbing back into bed with my vibrator.
I’m going to hell.
“WHAT THE HELL happened to you?” Ivy asks when I climb out of Tom’s ute in the surf club parking lot. I’d called her on my way to see if she wanted to meet up. I feel bad for the way I treated her when I found out she was dating Conrad, and I’m trying to make up for it. It doesn’t mean I’m going to start hanging out with the dude, but I am at least going to stop flaking out on my best friend.
My hand goes to the cut above my eye. “Oh, I forgot about that. I had my first fight last night.”
She tilts her head. “Why didn’t you tell us?”
“I don’t know,” I say with a shrug. I pull my board from the tray and lean it up against the cab. “It’s no big deal.”
“It’s a huge deal. We would have been there to cheer you on.”
“You and Wren hate fighting.” I shuck my clothesand tug up my wetsuit, shivering against the crisp morning chill. “You always leave the room when we put on UFC.”
“That’s not the point.” She narrows her eyes. “Those meatheads aren’t my best friend. You are.”
“It’s fine, Ives. Really. I didn’t want any distractions. I just wanted to focus on the fight.” That had actually been Zeke’s idea. He said it would take the pressure off if I didn’t have family or friends in the crowd. I guess it’s lucky I didn’t spot Lily until after the fight. Seeing her in the crowd had been such a shock. I never expected to see her again after Sydney, but now she’s living in my house.
My thoughts drift back to last night in the kitchen and just how close I’d come to kissing her.
“How did you go?”
“Huh?” I blink, guilt coursing through my veins. Ellie’s been gone for three months, but I still feel like it’s too soon to be thinking about another girl’s soft, pouty mouth like this.
“The fight? How did you go?”
“You should see the other guy,” I tell her as I tuck my board under my arm, a smirk tugging the corner of my mouth.
She rolls her eyes and gives me a playful shove. “Well?”
“I won. Third-round knockout.”