Page 26 of Chasing Shadows
“How the hell did she even know these existed?”
“You were adorable,” Lily says, craning her neck to try and see past me. “The cutest little cowboy I ever saw.”
The opening bars of Spice Girls “Wannabe” starts up behind me, and my face heats up.Oh, hell no!I spin around and reach for the power button on the television before Lily can catch a glimpse of me performing an embarrassingkaraoke rendition of the popular 90’s track with Wren, Ivy, and Lachy when we were fourteen–Ivy had gotten the karaoke machine for Christmas that year.
“I love that song,” she says with an exaggerated pout when I turn back to face them.
“You don’t want that video to ruin it for you then.”
“Party pooper.”
“I like this girl,” Tom laughs.
“Whatever.” I roll my eyes, trying to ignore the twist of jealousy in my gut at his words. I mean, I barely know the girl. Why should I care if she’s getting close to my brother? It’s not like I’m looking to jump into anything so soon after Ellie.
Trying to distract myself from these thoughts, I pluck the USB stick out of the back of the television and pocket it–I wouldn’t put it past Tom to turn them on again when I’m not around. “I’m going to have a shower, and then I’ll take you to Patty’s. Ivy said they’re looking for a waitress. I thought if you were going to be hanging around for a while, we should hook you up with a job.”
“Still looking out for me, Herc?” Lily winks. “What would I do without you?”
My body flushes from her words, and I’m so flustered all I can do is grunt out, “I’ll be ready in ten.”
I don’t miss Tom’s smirk as I rush out of the room, hearing him say to her, “Herc? Now, this is a story I need to hear.”
I groan as I lock myself in the bathroom, leaning backagainst the door and closing my eyes. My balls are aching, and I try to work out how long it’s been since I’ve been touched. The music festival was six months ago. A jolt of pleasure runs through me as I slip my hand down my pants and trail my fingers over my Jacob’s ladder, causing me to hiss and grip the base of my dick.Fuck.
Maybe if I rub one out, I’ll quit acting like a horny teenager who gets turned on by a pretty girl giving him the time of day. I give my length a couple of strokes as I move toward the shower, turning the water on. When it’s warm enough, I step under the spray and feel the tension seep out of my shoulders as I move my hand up and down my cock.
It doesn’t take much for it to be rock hard, and I bite down on my lip at the sensation of my hand moving over the barbells. Fuck, it feels so damn good, but it’s also so fucking wrong. I shouldn’t be thinking about Lily like that while she’s living here–imagining her down on her knees, those beautiful honey eyes staring up at me while her pouty lips suck me into that warm mouth.
My breathing stutters, and I increase my pace, letting my eyes fall close as I think about wrapping her hair around my fist as she takes me all the way to the back of her throat. A tingling sensation starts from the base of my spine. It’s not going to take much to send me over the edge. I’ve been tense as fuck for the last three months.
My balls tighten, and my movements become jerky. I brace my palm against the wall and let out a deep groan, my vision blurring as my release coats the tiles and my hand. Icontinue to stroke myself lazily as I milk my cock dry. It’s been way too fucking long.
Knowing that Lily is waiting for me, I quickly wash away the evidence and the guilt and wrap my towel around my waist tightly before opening the door. I stop short when I see Tom leaning up against the wall just outside the bathroom, a massive smirk stretching across his face.
“Feeling better?”
“Fuck off.” I push past him to my bedroom. He follows, closing the door behind him. “Do you mind?”
“What’s going on with you two?”
“Nothing. Can you piss off so I can get dressed?”
“You expect me to believe you just invited a gorgeous stranger to live with us, and there’s nothing going on?”
“Yep.” I pull on my jeans and my surf club hoodie. “That’s exactly what I expect you to believe.”
“She needed a place to stay; we had a spare room.” I run a hand through my damp hair, pushing it back off my face. “Simple as that.”
“What’s her story?”
“Spit it out, Tom. What are you asking me?”
“Is she single?”
No!The word is on the tip of my tongue, but instead, I dig my nails into my palm and bite out, “You’ll have to ask her that.”