Page 21 of Alaskan Blackout
“One hundred percent,” she vowed, taking his hand and moving it to her breast. Needing to lose herself in his touch again. “I just...haven’t been with anyone since the whole ordeal that brought me here in the first place.”
She didn’t share that she hadn’t even felt the slightest sensual urges. That her libido had been in deep hibernation after the humiliation of the video.
Or that everything inside her had woken up and taken notice when Quinton arrived in town.
Quinton propped himself on an elbow as he looked down at her. He left his hand where she’d placed it but didn’t move to touch more of her. Instead, his thumb traced circles on the swell of her breast while he spoke.
“Eighteen months is a long time. Are you sure you’re ready?”
Rolling to her side, she pressed her hips to his.
“Hell yes, I’m readybecausea year and a half is a long time.” She could have told him that her desire had more to do with him than any time frame, but she’d shared enough of herself with him for now. He already knew too much about her when she was used to keeping the world at arm’s length.
He waited for what seemed like an eternity, his intense gaze probing for the answers she didn’t want to give. But finally, that big, capable hand of his began to move on her breast. Cupping. Lifting. Tweaking the taut peak that already ached for his mouth.
“In that case, you should get the condom ready,” he informed before his head dipped to lick a path down her neck.
Relief mingled with pleasure and hunger, her emotions all over the place. Yet as she ripped open the condom packet and rolled it into place, there was no room for anything but the hot desire threatening to burn her from the inside out.
She wanted this man like she’d never craved anyone else. Maybe that should have been a portent. But if it was, she planned to ignore it, because nothing was going to stop her from savoring every second of this night with him.
Every one of those eighteen months of abstinence felt like a lifetime of deprivation right now. And with the rain driving against the windows a few feet above where she lay, the moment felt precious. Like everything important to her could get ripped away in life’s next storm.
So when Quinton gripped her hips, lifting her slightly, she was all in. Her gaze locked on his, their breathing syncing up before he edged his way inside her. She steadied herself by gripping his forearms, her whole body trembling.
“You feel so good.” He nudged deeper, filling her. Stretching her.
She wrapped her arms around him, getting used to the feel of him. Her heart pounded wildly and she tucked her chin against his shoulder, clinging to him while too many feelings washed over her.
When she caught her breath, she wrapped her legs around him, locking her ankles behind his back.
A gasp hissed between Quinton’s teeth, and she hoped that meant he was reeling from this union too. For now, all she could do was simply hold on as he began to move inside her. Slowly at first, then picking up speed.
Her back slid across the blanket, her hips rocking with his every stroke. She would have slid right off the quilt, but he planted one arm behind her head, mooring her in place as his hips worked.
McKenna’s lips parted, but no sound came out. Incredibly, the tension of another orgasm coiled inside her, teasing her each time Quinton gripped her hip to guide her where he wanted.
Cracking open one eye to look up at him, she watched the tendons of his neck strain with his movements and she could almost see him grappling with his own release. Knowing that he was close spurred her on, enticing her to wriggle against him, providing a new friction that made them both groan from how good it felt.
“I can’t last.” His hoarse words wound through the haze of desire surrounding her, reminding her that she wanted to push him to the best possible release.
If it came sooner rather than later, it didn’t matter. She just wanted him to feel better than he ever had before.
“Me either,” she admitted, squeezing his hips with her thighs. “I’m so close.”
His eyes cranked open, taking her in as they moved together in the glow of the firelight. When he reached between them to touch her right where she needed, her body simply...unraveled.
Pleasure burst through her, waves of it rolling over and over her. She sank her fingers into his shoulders, holding on to him while the release had its way with her.
She wished she could have held it back so he could experience his finish first, but instead, the hot throb of her body around his seemed to spur him on. A moment later, he went taut, all his muscles tensing. And then he was right there with her in all that lush pleasure, his hips jerking from the force of his release.
McKenna couldn’t have said which one of them quieted first. In the aftermath, they held each other for long moments. Quinton dragged the blue wool blanket down from the couch to cover them at some point. And McKenna felt the silence grow thick with the magnitude of how things had changed between them.
She didn’t know what to say about that. She only knew that being with him had been inevitable. Unavoidable. Necessary.
As for what came next?
“We’ll figure it out,” Quinton assured her as he stroked a hand through her hair. “Let’s just enjoy tonight.”