Page 27 of Making Waves
The hot anticipation in his eyes burned through her. Distracted her completely. Gave her something heady to fantasize about as he moved to put away their rods and gear.
Because even though she’d been on the losing end of their bet, she had the feeling she would enjoy every moment of whatever he had in mind.
* * *
“You want me towhat?” She really articulated the last word, her eyes wide as she hugged her arms around herself in the breeze that had started to cool down.
The sky had turned purple and pink in the west, the color lighting her skin with a warm glow.
It was a rare moment that Alicia LeBlanc didn’t look completely sure of herself.
And it probably made Jack a total cad that he couldn’t help but enjoy her uncertainty as she shifted from one foot to the other on the foredeck near the hot tub just before sunset.
“I want you to give up the reins. Let me have control.” He closed the distance between them now that he’d cleaned up the deck. Dinner could wait until after he’d cashed in on the prize he wanted most.
“While you do what, exactly?” She watched him warily, but her chest rose and fell with rapid breaths that told him she wasn’t completely opposed to hearing him out.
“Whatever I like.” He growled the words into her ear so she could feel how much he wanted this. Wantedherwith no restraints.
“That isn’t much of a favor,” she protested, her fingers digging into the fabric of his shirt and knotting up in the cotton as she dragged herself closer. “Don’t you want…”
She glanced south meaningfully.
His erection throbbed in response, clearly liking that plan just fine. But he planned on making this favor as much for her as for him. He only had so many days to convince her to give him a second chance.
“I’m saving that request for the next bet I win,” he promised, threading his fingers through the belt loops of her cargo shorts and drawing her hips to his. “Tonight, I want to see you get in touch with your submissive side.”
“I don’t think I have one of those.” She brushed a tantalizing kiss along his lips with slow deliberation. “Sorry.”
She stared at him in the twilight, unapologetic in spite of her words.
“You think you can distract me from what I want with kisses?”
“Maybe.” Arching into him, she pressed her breasts to his chest. “How am I doing?”
“A little too well,” he admitted, his brain already seizing up at the feel of her. “That’s why I’m going to stop you right there.” He eased back about a half an inch, which was all his fevered body could manage. “And demand you pay up your end of the bet.”
Her frown came deliciously close to a pout, her lips pursed like a berry ready for squeezing.
“Submissive?” She shivered again and he decided it was time to warm her up.
Leaning down, he flipped the cover off the hot tub, releasing a cloud of steam into the rapidly cooling night air. They hadn’t seen another boat in hours and they were well out of the main traffic lanes so he wasn’t worried about witnesses.
“That’s right. Total compliance. But don’t worry, I’m not going to do anything too kinky. Yet.”
Eyes narrowing, she lifted a hand to the hem of her shirt and whipped it up, over her head. Off.
Her pink cotton bra molded to subtle curves, her body visible in the fading light thanks to the glow from the illuminated tub. A leather thong tied to a silver star charm rested between her breasts.
“I’ll do my best,” she said finally, perhaps realizing he’d been struck dumb by the sight of her. “But I can hardly comply with your demands when I don’t know what they are.”
Jack unglued his gaze from her body, lifting his focus to her face. A wicked gleam lit her eyes.
“You can start by letting me undress the rest.” He stepped closer, forcing himself to keep his touch light. Functional. If he got caught up in the feel of her now, he might not be able to pry his hands away long enough to play this game out. “I didn’t get to see you naked in the hot tub last night and it was an image that’s been wreaking havoc with my head all day.”
Unfastening her shorts, he let them fall to the deck around her bare feet. Her hips were clad in the same pink cotton as her breasts, the fabric soft as a t-shirt and still not as soft as what was inside. He tucked a finger down the waistband of the panties and flicked them lower over her hips. When they slid off to join her shorts, he turned his attention to her bra, sliding hooks free until she stood naked and unbelievable in front of him. True to her word, she’d let him undress her without helping, keeping her hands to herself.
“You’re doing well,” he whispered, gathering her up in his arms and positioning her over the hot tub. “You can get in while I enjoy the view.”