Page 32 of Making Waves
But the memory of his words smoked through her consciousness, calling to mind the last time he’d said them to her—the night he’d taken the virginity that she’d been coming out of her skin to give to him…
…“I want is for you to lay still and let me do whatever I please.” Jack’s tone brooked no argument.
Another woman might have been put out at the caveman tactics in bed. Alicia loved it. Loved him. She fought with him and competed with him in every other facet of their relationship. She didn’t mind giving up her power in the bedroom. The thought of him doing whatever he pleased to her sent the early warning tremors of an orgasm rippling through her.
He’d taken her out on his new sailboat to christen it. He’d called it the Vesta after her since she joked about being a Vestal virgin. Being a twenty-year-old virgin hadn’t bothered her before meeting Jack since she’d never been in a relationship that seemed worthy of getting physical. But Jack Murphy was more than a hot guy. He was smart. Principled. Funny. Completely unintimidated by her swimming prowess and her strength. In fact, Jack encouraged her to be as competitive and opinionated as she pleased.
Except for right now, when he was finally going to initiate her into the mysteries of womanhood.
“I’m dying,” she told him, twisting beneath him as she stroked the slick center of her. “I’m so ready for this.”
She could feel his grin against her stomach when he kissed her navel.
“Who did we decide was in charge?” The hot whisper along her skin made her whimper in frustration.
They’d stripped off their clothes at least ten minutes ago after they had anchored near a private island off the coast of Chatham. The secluded cove offered plenty of privacy, allowing them to roll around on a blanket under the stars on the deck.
“I just don’t want to miss this orgasm that’s so close if you would -.”
Stretching up to cover her body, he silenced her with a kiss. She couldn’t think when he kissed her. No doubt that’s why he did it. His hand covered her sex, one finger stirring the molten core…
She flew apart instantly, seeing far more stars behind her eyes than they’d spotted over the sea that night.
“There’s more where that came from,” he promised, his words breaking through the sensual haze that held her spellbound. “But you have to behave…”
… “Jack.” Alicia’s hips stirred against his grip as she strained to get closer to him. “Please.”
He eased back enough to remove her panties before he took up his place between her thighs again.
“So impatient.” He stroked a finger down the center of her sex. “So beautiful.”
She couldn’t find her voice to say anything either way. Her whole body tensed, every fiber of her being keenly attuned to his touch. His warmth. His powerful shoulders under her thighs, holding her steady for the slow circling of his thumb.
Her breath came fast, her breasts tight and aching as if they’d never get enough of him. When his tongue replaced his thumb between her legs, the pleasure was so exquisite she had to fight off the release that threatened then and there. Desire flooded her veins in a dark, delicious tide. She twisted against the mattress and managed to hang on a little longer, to savor the feel of delectable tension inside her.
She wanted him everywhere at once. The velvet stroke of his mouth on her made her mindless. She gripped his shoulders, his body the only steady thing in a world threatening to shatter apart any moment.
When release came, the waves of sensation convulsed through her. He held her tighter, closer, urging her on until every last shattering tremor had quieted. Only then did he relinquish his grip on her hips, placing one last kiss on her sex before he arched over her.
Dazed and hungry for him, she blinked up into his eyes. He studied her in the red glow from the nightlight as he tugged open the nightstand drawer and retrieved the condom stash. Three more left. One of which he’d already freed to sheathe himself.
She levered up on an elbow to kiss him, tasting how much she wanted him on his mouth. He positioned himself between her legs, never breaking the kiss.
He entered her in a thrust that called one final aftershock pulsing over her muscles, clenching him tight. Opening her eyes, she found his green gaze on her, watching her with a heated intensity that threatened to laser deep into her heart.
The look- the moment- hit her hard. Closing her eyes, she fought to untangle the past from the present, to steal only pleasure from the moment.
“Ally.” He broke the kiss to breathe her name over her lips and wrap her in his arms.
With his chest pressed to hers, his hard, muscular thighs stretched beside her legs, he was suddenly everywhere at once, just like she’d wanted. He cupped her cheek with one hand, her hip with the other, and initiated a deep, slow rhythm as he moved inside her. Each thrust took her higher. Every withdrawal left her gasping for more.
She speared her fingers through his dark hair, anchoring herself to him as he moved. He answered by cupping her breast and tweaking the taut nipple between his thumb and forefinger. Her heartbeat sped as she climbed toward the peak of pleasure all over again. Faster, higher.
“Ally,” he whispered again, calling her to be present to the moment with him.
She understood what he wanted and she couldn’t resist the invitation any more than she’d been able to hold back from him four years ago. Or yesterday.