Page 96 of Then Come Lies
“Fuck you.”
“You already have,” he snarled as his hands found their way under my skirt so he could lift me up against the wall. “And in a second, you will again.”
It took him all of two seconds to undo his pants and sheath himself within me. I would have screamed, but his mouth had already covered mine, swallowing my cries, suffocating them and anything I might have to say with his lips, with his entire body.
“These lips aremine,” Xavier huffed as he began to pump into me. “This body ismine, do you hear?”
“Fuck—you—” I could barely get the words out even as I was clawing at his shoulders, trying to pull him ever closer. I wanted to do more than just be at his mercy. But he wasn’t giving me the chance.
He drove forward, setting a harsh rhythm that had me careening toward climax faster than I ever had in my life. By some sick logic, it was as if all the tension in our fight had coiled us like springs, ready to release at any moment.
“Xavi,” I hissed as his teeth found my neck, like an animal pinning me down. “Xavi—I’m close!”
Two, three more thrusts, and I was almost there. No tender touch between my legs, no adoring, nosavoringas he had always loved to do. Or so I’d thought. This wasn’t savoring at all. It was quick, purely animal. This was revenge. And by God, if I wasn’t enjoying it on some sick level.
“No,” he said, then shoved into me one last time before every muscle he had tensed completely, smashed me against the wall while he came hard, my body still aching beneath him for the release I’d never get.
“Ahhh!” I cried, arms flailing, legs kicking, dying for what he wouldn’t grant. I yanked at his hair, scratched at his shoulder, rocking my hips into him while he pulsed within me, the rest of him stone. “You brute,” I panted. “You complete and totalbastard.”
When Xavier pulled back, the beast in him had vanished. But what was left broke my heart. He looked down at our bodies, still joined, and sighed heavily, then gently pulled away and set my feet back to the earth. My legs were wobbly, though the rest of me was still tensed, dying for the orgasm he’d so blatantly withheld. As he handed me a handkerchief to clean myself up, his expression was full of sorrow. And regret.
“Ces, I—”
“D-don’t,” I said. God, the tears were still threatening.
Sex with Xavi—still the only man I’d ever been with—had only ever been a joy. Had only ever made me feel cherished. But here, behind this barn, away from where some of the most glamorous people in England were carousing and drinking, I was only another thing to him, no different than a mallet or a skillet. Something to use. And then be done with.
I balled up the handkerchief and chucked it behind a bush, eager to be done with it as I put the rest of myself together. The last thing I needed was to walk back into that crowd with my dress tucked into my underwear. If I made it back at all.
Sounds from the party grew from the other side of the stables. Or maybe that was just the roaring in my head. Still, I couldn’t help but wonder if people were listening.
“Frankie, are you all right?”
I swore under my breath at the sound of Adam’s voice. Xavier, having put himself back together already, turned on his heel, hands balled into fists.
I stepped in front of him, praying my hair, so carefully tamed by Georgina this morning, didn’t look like a rat’s nest. “Adam, this is really not the time.”
Adam approached, though his eyes were on Xavier, not me. Lord, the man really had a death wish. “I think it is.”
“Mate, you’d better listen to her. For your own fucking good.” A muscle in Xavier’s jaw started ticking dangerously while his fists clenched by his side. His eyes were so dark a blue, they were practically black.
“One, I think we both know I am definitely not your ‘mate.’ And two, I think this is a perfect time for me to step in. This beautiful lady is crying, seemingly because of you, and I’ve never been one to walk away from a woman who needs my help.”
“Adam, please,” I started again, even as I swiped the evidence off my face. “This really doesn’t concern you.”
“I think it does,” Adam interrupted, placing a hand on my shoulder.
“Get yourfuckinghand off her!”
Before I could stop any of it, Xavier’s fist thrust between us, finding purchase with Adam’s face and sending the man sprawling into the green while the force of their collision threw me back against the barn all over again.
“What the hell!” Adam shouted, clutching his nose, where a torrent of blood was spreading down his face to join the dirt already smeared over his suit. “You just bwoke my fugking dose!”
“I’ll break more than that if you don’t stay the fuck away from my woman!” Xavier snapped, stepping over his body like a predator attending its prey.
“Your woman?” Somehow, I managed to find my voice as I stepped between them and shoved Xavier hard in the chest. “After what you just did, you have the audacity to call meyour fucking woman? Well, I have news for you, buddy. I am not at your beck and call. I am not your cheap plaything or something you can just pick up whenever you feel like.I DO NOT BELONG TO YOU!”
We stood there for what seemed like hours, staring at each other over Adam’s moaning, bleeding carcass.