Page 68 of Last Comes Fate
“OhGod,” I murmured, the image clear in my mind as he worked. “Oh, Xavi.”
“But it wasn’t enough,” he growled. “It wasn’t fucking enough. He needed more. His cock throbbed for her, every cell in his body wanted to devour her. He needed to be inside her, needed to spill his seed deep within her womb, needed to part the gorgeous peach of her and drive home until the entire city knew the way his name sounded when she screamed it aloud.”
“Ah!” I called as his teeth latched again to my throat, holding me in place as he continued to fuck me with his hand.
“But he didn’t,” Xavier said. “Instead, he feasted on her with his mouth until she called above the pounding music and rode his face like a pony. He vowed to give her pleasure then and take his later. Because even then he knew. This girl—this utterly perfect woman—didn’t just deserve one night. She deserved forever.”
“Oh!” I cried, flailing my head to one side, then the other, as my orgasm crept to the edge of a cliff I wanted to dive over. “Oh, Xavi, p-please!”
But he didn’t relent. As his fingers continued their terrible onslaught, Xavier captured my mouth with his, banishing gentle touches in favor of a bruising, punishing kiss full of tongue and teeth and all the aching want he had just described with his wicked words.
“Come, then,” he ordered quietly, then kissed me again as three fingers thrust inside me.
I screamed his name into his mouth as my entire body began to shake violently. He didn’t stop, just kept working me with that rhythm, as insistent and vital as a heartbeat between my legs. Fucking me with his fingers, rubbing my clit until every moan had left my body to be swallowed by that full, demanding mouth.
He knew. OhGod, he knew how to make it last. He knew how to press and penetrate and keep me still until every muscle had flexed beyond its abilities, leaving me to melt into a pool of depleted lust and satiated woman between his legs.
Wedged against the small of my back, the length of him still throbbed. But as I came down from my orgasm, he made no move to turn me over, pin me down, or take any pleasure for himself whatsoever.
And I wanted him to. Badly. What was supposed to sate me for the night had only turned up the heat. I needed much, much more. And that was a very bad idea.
I turned in his arms to say exactly that, but he was already shaking his head as I scrambled to the other end of the couch.
“Don’t say anything,” he said. “Not a word.”
He laid a finger over my lips. “I said hush. Now, I just wanted to help, babe. You don’t owe me a thing.” Another sly smile crept across his handsome features. “Don’t make it weird, eh?”
I opened my mouth to argue but found I could only grin back at him. The sweet relaxation was still passing through my limbs. I couldn’t help but enjoy the ride he’d brought me on and soon found myself yawning with bliss.
Before I could stop him, he swept me up in his arms and stood.
“Xavi,” I murmured, but couldn’t bring myself to ask him to put me down.
Sleep was coming fast. A few more minutes, and I was liable to use his bicep as a pillow right here.
“Come on, Sleeping Beauty.”
Xavier offered me another bittersweet half-smile as he carried me out of the living room and up to my bedroom, where he laid me gently under the sheets. I allowed him to pull the blankets up and tuck me in on all sides. Anything sexual had vanished from his touch, but it was still impossibly tender.
“Xavi,” I murmured.
The ability to move any of my limbs was all but gone, thanks to his work downstairs.
“Just let me take care of you.”
I lay still as he finished tucking me in, then watched as he sat back on the bed and looked at me blinking up at him. My eyelids felt like they were made of iron, but I couldn’t stop looking back. His eyes were like stars, calling me home.
His gaze drifted to the right side of the bed. His side. The very empty side.
It took everything I had not to ask him to get in.
At last, he offered that sweet half-smile once more. “Think you can get to sleep now?”
I nodded. My limbs still felt like noodles.
I wanted more. I’d always want more, especially when it came to him. But with his gift had come an ocean of calm that had me floating toward sleep at last.