Page 46 of Legally Ours
"What?" she asked, as sharply as always.
"Why did you and Brandon never…you know? You're so close, I would have thought you'd be a good match. Especially since you're single."
Kieran raised a thin brow. "Who says I'm single?"
I frowned. "Aren't you?"
She gave me a sharkish grin. "Of course not. I've been married for five years."
I balked. What? Kieran didn't wear a ring; then again, I didn't think I'd ever seen her with any jewelry or ornamentation—only that dash of red across the lips.
"Brandon's always saying he wants us to have a double date. He thinks you and Pushpa would get along, and we could have dinner parties. I'm not sure why he thinks you and my wife would get along other than you're both female." She rolled her eyes. "I swear to God, sometimes he's the biggest girl in the room."
And with not just one, but two minor bombs dropped, Kieran left as quickly as a shadow. The door closed behind her, and I was left wondering just what kind of woman Kieran had decided to spend her life with.
But before I could wonder any more, my cell phone buzzed loudly on the hard wood of my desk. I picked it up and smiled.
"The Lord is alive!" I answered with a grin.
"Hilarious." Eric's dry voice filled my ear. "Especially since you're the one shacked up like Rapunzel in her tower. What are you doing right now? I'm just getting off, and I could come pick you up in a few minutes. It's been a long damn week, and I need a drink."
I hadn't heard from Eric or Jane since last weekend, when she had informed me of her plans to break it off. From the sound of my former roommate's voice, it sounded like he needed someone to talk to, and I wouldn't mind a sounding board myself right now, particularly from a man's perspective.
"I'm actually at Kiefer right now," I said. "Just leaving. Where should we go?"