Page 17 of Rise
His voice had changed. It was now like warm syrup in the cool night.
There was nothing for her to stagger against, but she wasn’t sure if her beautiful kitten heel boots were going to hold her up. “Oh,” she said in a very small voice.
“Megan,” he said, drawing her away from the light of the churro truck. His hand was light on her arm, but she would have gone wherever he directed her. She couldn’t misread the intensity in his eyes this time. Nor the meaning of him remembering her from all those years ago.
“Hey!” A cacophony of voices broke into the spell he was drawing around her.
“Merda,” he mumbled. Megan breathed in, almost gasping, as the cold air rushed back between them. “Excuse me,” he said and left her all but hyperventilating as he joined the students, who had all left the building at once.
“Hi!” they said, now obviously his best friends. “Buy us a churro?”
“Of course,” he said, nodding to the man in the truck. “Whatever they want.”
One girl sidestepped the others and joined Megan in the half shadows. “Are you an actress, too?” she asked boldly.
“Oh, no!” Megan laughed at the possibility. “No, I’m just a regular Jane.”
“So why were you in the Studio?”
“I’m helping with the fundraiser. I’m Megan.”
“Nice to meet you. Do you want to be an actor, too?”
“I already am an actor.” Rochelle put her hands on her hips.
“Right.” Megan nodded. “Alessandro thinks so, too.”
Rochelle’s whole body seemed to swell with pride. “One thing they always tell us at the Studio: we’ve gotta have faith in ourselves.”
“That’s right. Well, I have faith in you, too, if that’s any help. I hope I see you again soon.”
“You’re coming back? Then you’ll see me. We’re here pretty much every afternoon after school if we don’t have to work.”
“Ready?” Alessandro said. A car had pulled up. Rochelle moved away to place her order, and Megan and Alessandro were alone again.
The smell of cinnamon and sugar and Alessandro made her dizzy.
“Thank you for a really fun evening,” she said. Why did he seem taller now?
“Thankyoufor meeting with me. For all your help.”
“Um.” Her hand went to the tips of her hair.Be bravewarred withdon’t cause any trouble.
“Guarda,” he said and touched her fingers before they reached her hair. “Your fingers are sticky.”
Alessandro was only touching her fingers with his, but the sparks from it reached all the way up her arm. After a second, he lifted his hand, but she didn’t pull away. Couldn’t pull away. Didn’twantto pull away.
He put his hand back. His fingers crooked over hers, trapping her in the slightest, most delicious cage.
She glanced at him again. His mouth was slightly open, his eyes darker than ever.
“Megan,” he said.
“Mm-hmm.” Her throat was thick with anticipation.