Page 50 of Rise
Her phone rang. Cat. Megan was wound up enough to answer it.
“Go on then,” she said by way of greeting.
“Why weren’t you answering your phone?” Cat began. “And I thought you weren’t going to sleep with him?”
“This is why I didn’t answer my phone,” Megan said coldly. “And the other thing is none of your business.”
“It’s all over the internet!” Cat spluttered. “I don’t want to make it my business, but you’re dragging the family into this! Did you see that article about Kane?”
Alessandro had joined her, and she knew he could hear Cat’s voice through the earpiece. He touched her wrist, gently guiding Megan to the couch so she could sit down. Which was when she realized she was shaking.
“You blame me for some asshole doing a Google search?”
Megan didn’t curse. But doing so would make Cat sit back a little. Which was what Megan wanted.
“Listen,” Cat said.
“Youlisten,” she retorted. “I’m thirty-one years old. Do you remember that?”
“Of course I do.”
“Because you’ve sure the hell treated me like a ten-year-old ever since Mom and Dad died.”
A year ago, when Sam had come home for Thea’s wedding, she’d dared to mention their father in less-than-flattering terms, and Cat had blown up. Megan had done her reconciliation routine, going after Sam and asking her to make up, keeping the status quo. Well, she was tired of it.
“I didn’t know ten-year-olds got to run companies.”
“I’m not running it,” Megan pointed out. “Remember? You and Kane got this brilliant idea that I should be the new kid in every single department untilyoudecide I’m ready for a window office.”
“You agreed to that! You should have told us if you—”
“You never asked!”
“Jesus, Meg, you make me sound like a monster. You rave about everyone you work with. How was I supposed to know you didn’t like it?”
Megan rubbed her free hand down her face. Her muscles were taut, strained. She spent all her time making the best of things. She was the best actress in the goddamn world.
“I…” She ran out of steam for a second. “You’ve got me well trained,” she said quietly.
“What the hell kind of statement is that?”
“I can’t have one night with the hottest man in the world without feeling guilty because you don’t approve!”
“Grazie,” Alessandro said dryly next to her.
“De nada,” she replied, which was the wrong language, but she was too focused on her sister to care.
“It’s not about him,” Cat said hotly. “God, you’re so naïve. Look what they’re already saying about you! You think this is going to get any better?”
“That’s my problem.”
“It’sourproblem. Did you forget that the family’s reputation is what keeps your income going?”
“Thank you, Cat. Yes, I do know that, since you remind me of it every Sunday at the family mausoleum—I mean, house.”
“God. Are you drunk? I’ve never heard you talk like this.”
“You’ve never heard any of us talk like this. It would do you good if we did.”