Page 28 of Bitter Lies
We’re protected on all sides, and around us on the street, life goes on. None of these people are aware of the undercurrents in their town. They go to work and then home. They buy groceries, and in the summer, they splash in the lake waters and watch fireworks on the fourth of July.
No one stops to look at either one of us, even though Ricardo wears a three-piece suit and I’m in a skimpy black dress.
The brightness of the overhead sunlight dims once we’re inside the club, and despite it being early in the day, music already pumps from the main room, growing louder with each step.
“It’s still a strip joint.” I mutter it so softly under my breath I’m not sure Ricardo hears. “No matter how you try to dress it up.”
He chuckles, however, and says, “I take it you disapprove of my lifestyle. I’ve never heard you complain before, but I imagine this isn’t the kind of place you and your college friends frequent.”
“It doesn't really matter whether I approve or not.” The hallway opens up into the main room of the club, a giant stage in an L shape dominating the space.
It’s not as cheap as I would have thought. Actually, the long bar is made up of a single piece of wood polished to a sheen. It boasts a live edge, and the glass shelves behind the bar, reflected by the mercurial glass mirror, shine without a hint of fingerprint smudges.
The bottles of liquor are discreet without labels but I bet each of them costs.
The tables and seats are black on black without the atmosphere being too heavy. Real leather, as well. Certainly not cheap.
Something I voice to Ricardo.
“Since the takeover, once the papers were signed with the real estate agent selling this place, I had my men go to work on the place,” he tells me. “Revamping to the correct specifications. Every club I own now is a statement built on comfort and class.
Currently, there is no one on the stage but the servers walking between the tables in preparation for opening are all scantily clad. There are only a handful of other patrons, and most of them are seated at the bar conversing in dulcet undertones with the two bartenders.
“Sure, class and comfort.” I shudder. “I can see why you like the place.”
“It’s a safe space. We’ll be able to talk here without anyone interrupting us.”
I hear what he doesn’t say, though. It’s his. It’s something separate from the empire his uncle and mother put together, and that makes it special, in his mind.
Something he’s done all by himself.
My heart thuds against the inside of my ribs, and I pointedly avoid looking at Ricardo.
He gestures for me to sit at one of the long black loungers toward the side of the stage. It’s a private corner with one of the better views of the shining pole at the center of the space, but the music is muffled here, giving any viewers a better taste of their experience. No throbbing base, only a low hum and unimpeded access to the dancers.
Ricardo holds up a hand, and one of the women saunters over, balancing on heels way too high to be healthy.
“Yes, Mr. Assante?”
“Sarah, will you please bring us a bottle of sparkling water and two glasses.” He knows the woman by name. “And a cup of espresso for each, please. And whatever you can manage to grab from the kitchen for Miss Balestra if you please.”
Her hair is short enough to give viewers an up close and personal look at her gauged ears, the blonde strands flirty and fun as they frame an angular face. Blue eyes wink at Ricardo before settling on me, though not with any sort of jealousy. She bobs her head in acknowledgment.
“Are you happy now? We’re here where you can play king in the castle?” I ask Ricardo once we’re alone.
As alone as we can be with his guards around us. They’ve turned their backs and have probably been warned multiple times to not pay attention to anything they may hear.
Does anyone really listen?
Can anyone be trusted?
I have my doubts on every front.
Ricardo settles on a lounge chair across from me, leaning back with his legs splayed open. His palms resting down on his knees.
“We’re in your safe space,” I start. “Your stronghold. So talk.”
“You’re eager to get to it.”