Page 23 of His Deadly Lies
Sometimes, looking at the old man, it’s hard to imagine that his family ruled this city before I came along. A small-time Italian family from New York, they defected from a larger mob and started their own drug and arms trade in new routes along Lake Erie.
Emperor Balestra, as most of the small-time players call him, sits behind the desk with his hands steepled in front of him. He’s not a young man by any means, but he’s kept his body trim and in shape, even pushing his mid-fifties. His hair, unlike mine, which went silver prematurely, shows only the barest minimum of salt and pepper around the temples.
Princess Mia shives to his side and stands, her own hands knotted in front of her in a posture designed to be demure, poised. She’s even more interesting now, outside of her hospital gown. Her profile is a study, and her expressions take her from beautiful to vacuous.
Something is certainly lacking in her eyes. Or so I think until she turns them on me, and an unknowable emotion flashes across her face. It’s an expression too feral to be described as pretty, a delicate line to tread.
There and gone in a blink, and I wonder if the way she looks at people is all dependent on the emotions she chooses to display.
Edward exchanges a few pleasantries with Hector and Ricardo, leaving me free to exchange an eye fuck with Mia. Okay, it’s only an eye fuck on one side: mine. She blatantly ignores me for three heartbeats, four, and then her gaze flicks to me, through me, and past.
Hmm. It would seem she doesn’t recognize me from the hospital.
The heir is as incompetent as the men who sold out her location. The little display at Lakeside earlier must have been a fluke. She’s clearly an airhead.
It’s not her fault. She’s more than likely been molded into her part too. An heir who doesn’t ask questions makes it much easier for Daddy Dearest to pull the strings, especially if the puppet is pretty.
Ricardo laughs, and the sound draws my attention.
Until I glance back at Mia to find her staring at me this time, her eyes narrowed. She allows the barest minimum loosening of her facial muscles before she schools her face back into that of a precious pampered pet. A statue and a state of mind, and once it’s firmly in place, she shows no further signs of thought.
Something inside of me knots at the change. How interesting.
“In advance, let me thank both syndicate families for their willingness to postpone our morning meeting. I assure you it was for a good cause,” Edward begins. His facial muscles tense and flex, his version of a smile.
He doesn’t acknowledge his daughter in the slightest.
“Now that we’re all settled, it’s time for us to begin. As I’m sure you are aware, on behalf of the entire Balestra family, I have a very important announcement that involves both of you.” He nods in Ricardo’s direction as well as the slender mouse brown-haired boy standing behind Hector Accardi. His son, Vincent. Two young men, and both of them in the prime of their life.
“Get on with it, Edward,” Vincent urges. “We do not have all day to waste waiting for you to continue your deliberation.”
“I’m sure I speak for the Vittorios as well when I say that we all have business waiting for us.” Hector takes great pains to keep his tone neutral, but the biting lash of admonishment isn’t missed by anyone in the room. As well as the slight layer of embarrassment at the way his son lashed out.
Vincent is the type of man who wants what he wants when he wants it. Which is not a terrible thing unless it results in an itchy trigger finger and tantrums.
Edward narrows his gaze on the older Accardi before he sighs. “Fine,” he replies. “It’s no secret that my daughter Mia has maintained a certain image and reputation that is even more important as she recently turned twenty-four. I’m here to announce her engagement.”
The briefest tick of a muscle near her eye is the only movement Mia makes. Otherwise, she is still, placid, her hand on the back of her father’s chair. Her fingers are loose, and her posture relaxed.
“Now, this has not been an easy decision, and I admit to much deliberation. Both the Accardis and the Vittorios have much to offer.” Edward glances between the two powerhouses.
I stifle the urge to pump my fist in the air. Fuck yes. I was right. It doesn’t really matter now that I called it, but the sense of pride in that small fact quickly sobers the longer I stand in the terse silence waiting for someone to break first.
The engagement, should Edward make the decision, would be ours.
He turns to Ricardo, getting to his feet and adjusting the buttons on his suit jacket before he says, “Congratulations, young man. I believe a connection between our two families will be the most beneficial for everyone involved. Welcome to the family.”
His grand announcement that Ricardo is the betrothed tightens the knot inside of me a little more, even as it loosens others. Yes. This is what we’ve been waiting for, working for, all these years. All the financial hardships that got us to this point…
Allies, with the largest syndicate in the area. Through marriage. And one day, through blood.
Vincent’s outburst is an explosion of sound, and when I turn, he’s reaching behind him for the gun in the waistband of his pants.
“How fucking dare you!” he roars. “I’m the heir with the most to offer. My family is practically royalty compared to these nobody scumbags. They have no idea what they’re doing.”
I step in front of Ricardo in an easy movement just as Hector stands and turns to his son with his hands up in front of him.