Page 20 of Turn of the Tides
“Hey, Beau?” He turned his head to look at me but remained silent. It took a few calming breaths, but I eventually found the courage to say what I truly felt. After all, we’d crossed a hurdle today, and I didn’t want to risk backsliding. I hadn’t been able to stop thinking about that almost-kiss for a second, and I wouldhave been lying if I said I didn’t hope the opportunity arose again. “I had a lot of fun with you today,” I admitted quietly.
He smiled for the first time since his dad barged into his room. “Me too, Bubbles.”
I returned his smile. “And for what it’s worth, you’re not so bad. Who knew, right?” I threw a wink his way that made him laugh, and on that sound, I hopped out of his Jeep and shut the door, giving him a wave before he took off.
As I headedinto school the next morning my footsteps were lighter than they’d been in a really long time. The smile on my face wasn’t forced or stiff. I felt... good. Excited to get the day started, actually. I couldn’t wait to see how things would change now that Beau and I had reached some sort of ceasefire.
I spotted him standing at his open locker and felt my smile get bigger as I started in his direction. I hadn’t been able to stop thinking about the kiss that didn’t happen to the point I’d hardly gotten any sleep the night before. I was seeing Beau Wade in a whole new light, and it was so much more flattering than the one that used to shine on him. I could see us as friends. And, hell, given the intensity I felt between us yesterday, maybe even something... more. But I wouldn’t get ahead of myself.
“Hey,” I started once I reached him. “So, when do you feel like getting together again to finish up our project?”
He turned slowly, his expression totally blank as he looked me up and down in a rather dispassionate way.
My smile turned into a frown as I reached out to place my hand on his forearm. “Hey, you okay?”
Just then, something—or should I say someoneslammed into my shoulder, knocking me off balance, and if I hadn’t reached out to catch myself, I would have fallen on my butt right there in front of half the senior class.
“Excuse me, loser.” I looked up just as Larissa snuggled up against Beau’s side. Seeing her cling to him like that sent a sharp pain through me, but it was the way he so casually lifted his arm and hung it over her shoulders, pulling her into him like he actually wanted her there, that turned that stab of pain into a burn.
She sneered at me as she all but glued her front to his side, dragging her long, pointed nails down the cotton covering his chest and stomach. “What do you think you’re doing touchingmyboyfriend?”
My gaze darted back and forth between the two of them. I kept waiting for Beau to put her in her place, to tell her to shut up or push her away. But instead, he just kept looking at me like I was nothing.
“I-I didn’t—I’m not?—”
“Da-da-da,” she mocked before breaking into laughter. It was when I heard other kids behind me start to laugh that I realized we’d drawn a crowd. “Is your brain not working, freak? I asked why you were putting your gross, loser hands on my boyfriend.”
My heart sank, landing with a dull thud on the ground at my feet.
“Beau?” I whispered, the pain in my heart reflecting in my voice.
“Oh my god,” Larissa cackled. “Look at that! How pathetic. The loser’s got a crush on the popular guy.” More laughter rang out all around me, each one like a slice of a razor-thin blade. “Oh, that’s so sad,” she continued with a dramatic pout of her bottom lip. “What do you think, baby?” she asked, pressing her boobseven harder into Beau’s side. “How’s it feel to know this freak’s got a crush on you?”
He looked down at Larissa with a smile, pulling her up for a forceful, deep kiss that squeezed the breath right out of my lungs before finally looking back at me with that blank expression. “Don’t really think about her at all. Not like she’s on my radar.”
Larissa’s head fell back on a cackle, like that was the most hilarious thing she’d ever heard. But I was done. Done being the butt of these jerks’ jokes, of being ridiculed and mocked, of being tricked into thinking there was something deeper to Beau Wade than there really was. He was as shallow as a puddle, and I’d let him play me.
But never again.
Tilting my chin high, I schooled my expression, refusing to let these assholes see my pain as I spun on my heel and stomped away from them. From him. The bell for first period hadn’t rung yet, so I made one quick stop before heading to class.
Ms. Garza’s head came up when I knocked on the frame of her open door.
“Good morning, Presley. Can I help you with something?”
“Yes ma’am,” I started, stepping into her classroom. “It’s about our Spanish project. Sorry to be a pain, but I need a new partner.”
Because I was done with Beau Wade for good.
So freaking done.
Chapter Ten
My shoes beatagainst the packed wet sand near the edge of the shoreline where land met ocean, kicking up clumps behind me as I ran. Every inhale filled my lungs with the salty sea air and every crash of the waves sent up a refreshing mist of spray.
I’d forgotten what it was like to run on the beach. It was so different from that dry desert air I’d grown used to. Each breath was fresher, purer somehow. The wind whipping off the water was downright pleasant. That would change come winter, however. The icy spray would feel more like needles piercing my lungs, but I could deal. I’d done it before, in a past life.