Page 59 of Turn of the Tides
“Here.” Beau stepped in front of me, extending the shirt he was holding. “I don’t know what you usually sleep in, but I thought this might work. The bathroom’s right through there.There’s an extra toothbrush in the middle drawer. Help yourself to anything else you might need.”
I took the shirt from his hand and smiled up at him through my lashes as I whispered my thanks and headed for the bathroom.
I could have changed in front of him. It wasn’t like he hadn’t seen me naked. Hell, he’d been up close and extremely personal with the most intimate part of me, but for some reason, getting dressed to go to bed with him—just to sleep—held a different level of intimacy, and I needed a bit of privacy, just for a moment, as I wrapped my head around the shift that had taken place in our relationship over the past few hours.
Talk about a massive turn of the tides.
This wasn’t a drop from the top of a rollercoaster or an unexpected reaction to the turmoil he stirred up in me. What I was about to do was a conscious decision to step out from behind those walls that had been guarding my heart for a very long time. It was me choosing him—choosingus—even though I still had uncertainties. Instead of letting my guard down in the heat of the moment, I was doing it purposely.
I stripped out of my clothes, leaving on my underwear, before shaking out the shirt Beau had given me and sliding it over my head and down my body.
It was a shirt for his former football team, and despite me being five seven, Beau was still so much bigger I swam in the thing. It smelled just like him, and in the privacy of the bathroom, I gave in to the desire to pull the shirt over my nose and sniff deeply as a ridiculous smile split my face in half. The soft, faded cotton felt like it had been washed a million times giving it that perfect worn-in feel.
When I stepped out of the bathroom a couple minutes later, all the lights were off except for a golden glow coming from the lamp on Beau’s bedside table. The man in question was currentlysitting beneath the covers on the left side of the bed. His back was resting against the headboard, the sheet pooling at his waist, revealing all those delicious muscles, and I had the deep, yearning desire to trace all those deep ridges with my tongue as soon as possible.
“Fuck me, Bubbles,” he grunted as soon as he looked up and saw me standing there. “I love you in my shirt. In fact, I think that’s all you should wear from here on out. All day, every day, my shirts only.”
I giggled as I moved toward the bed. “Might be a little uncomfortable come winter.”
His smile was downright wicked. “Oh, don’t worry about that. I promise to keep you plenty warm.”
I just bet he did.
The muscles in his torso clenched as he threw the covers back and patted the mattress beside him, silently telling me to climb in.
He might have thought I looked good in his shirt, but it was nothing compared to the sight of himwithoutone. The man was mouthwatering, and I couldn’t help but lick my lips as I dragged my gaze over his strong, drool-worthy body while climbing onto the bed on my knees.
Beau let out a groan that sounded almost pained. “Baby, you can’t look at me like that. You keep that up, I’m gonna stay hard all goddamn night, then neither of us will get any sleep.”
I opened my mouth to tell him I was more than okay with that when a big, jaw-cracking yawn cut me off.
He chuckled, reached across the mattress to snag me around my waist, and pulled me all the way across onto his side.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought.” He moved me easily enough, curling me so that my back was pressed into his chest, our legs tangled together beneath the covers. He switched off the lamp,bathing the room in darkness before settling in behind me, draping his heavy arm over my waist, and holding on tight.
I wasn’t sure how I’d expected him to sleep, but in all my years, I never would have imagined Beau Wade to be a spooner.
“I can hear your brain spinning,” he said quietly into the dark, his words whispering across the back of my neck before he lowered his head and pressed the sweetest, most tender kiss to my shoulder. “What are you thinking about?”
“Nothing important.” I bit down on my bottom lip. “I guess I’m just surprised that you’re a cuddler.”
I felt him stiffen behind me, but he didn’t let me go. “Do you not like it?”
“No. I do! I mean, I’m totally fine with it.” To prove my point, I wriggled even deeper into him, the warmth he was throwing off was like a heated blanket, and it was comfortable as hell. “I just didn’t think it would be something you’re into.”
He was silent for a moment as he gave my statement some thought. “I guess I never really thought about it, but, no, I don’t think I’ve ever really been a big cuddler. Until now.”
Something warm bloomed to life deep in my belly. “Oh?” I asked into the darkness. “What’s so special about now?”
“It’s you,” he answered simply, without a moment of hesitation. And damn if I didn’t love hearing that.
I snuggled even deeper into him, loving the way his arm clenched tighter around me as he brushed more kisses on my shoulder and neck. The biggest, goofiest smile overtook my face as I burrowed into the softest pillow I’d ever laid my head on. In fact, the whole bed felt like being nested in a cloud.
“I find that reason to be acceptable,” I said, trying to play cool even though I was sure he could hear the giddiness in my voice.
Beau’s body shook against mine. “Glad you approve, baby. Now get some sleep.”
I wasn’t sure that would be possible. The excitement he’d shown earlier when it came to us sharing a bed had suddenly rubbed off. It felt like my tummy was full of champagne bubbles. I was certain there was no way I was going to get to sleep. But not even two minutes later, I was dead to world, sleeping the deepest, most peaceful sleep I’d had in a very long time.