Page 100 of Difficult
“To get that dance that you owe me,” Sebastian said as he took her hand in his and gave it a gentle tug that had her standing up so that he could lead her to the mound.
“And what dance is that exactly?” Mikey asked as she watched him place his phone on the ground seconds before her favorite song began playing.
“This one,” Sebastian said as he pulled her into his arms.
“You hate dancing,” she felt obligated to point out.
“Not with you,” Sebastian said, making her smile as she reached up and wrapped her arms around his shoulders.
Leaning down, he kissed her forehead and-
“I still want those tickets.”
-felt his lips pull up into a smile against her forehead.
“Of course you do,” Sebastian said, sighing heavily as he pulled her closer. “You really are a pain in my ass.”
“And you adore me,” Mikey said, closing her eyes as she felt herself relax in his arms, only to swallow hard when he murmured, “More than you’ll ever know.”
For a long time, neither one of them spoke as song after song played while she let herself enjoy this moment. When she felt him pull away from her sometime later, Mikey opened her eyes to find him watching her, his gaze softening as he ran the back of his knuckles gently along her jaw and-
“We should get you home before your parents realize you’re gone,” Sebastian said softly, his gaze dropping to her lips before he cleared his throat and stepped away, leaving her biting back a disappointed sigh.
Neither one of them said a word as they took care of the candles and started making their way home. While they walked, Mikey found herself thinking about training camp and how excited she was to go, only to realize just how much she was going to miss him. As he walked her to the back of her house, Mikey thought about the way that he looked at her right before he stepped away and told herself that some things just weren’t meant to be.
“Goodnight, Mikey,” Sebastian said as Mikey opened her mouth only to mumble, “Goodnight,” as she forced herself to turn around, repeating all the lies that she’d been telling herself for a while now only to swallow hard when she felt Sebastian’s hand wrap around hers and give it a gentle tug that had her turning around and-
“God, you’re beautiful,” Sebastian whispered reverently as he cupped her face in his hands, his eyes searching hers as he leaned down and tore a soft sigh from her as he brushed his lips against hers, giving her the perfect first kiss.
He brushed his lips against hers once, twice, and then, he was pulling away with a murmured, “Goodnight, Mikey,” as he stepped away, leaving Mikey standing there, trying to remember how to breathe as she watched him walk away.
“You…bastard!” Jonathan hissed as he wiggled his way free from the comfort of their bedroom floor.
“I warned you,” Sebastian said, unable to stop smiling as he dropped down on his bed with a satisfied sigh as he thought about that kiss.
Christ, it had been worth the wait, Sebastian thought as a small click drew their attention to the teenage girl sneaking into their room. He watched as Mikey closed the window behind her before she started making her way across the room, only to pause by the bunkbed and-
Tore a surprised grunt from Braxton when she snatched the pillow from behind his head and began beating the hell out of him with it. When she grew bored, Mikey whispered, “That’s for letting that sick bastard drop me off the damn roof!” earning a chuckle as Braxton plucked the pillow out of her hands and shoved it back behind his head.
That was followed by Mikey grumbling as she ignored Jonathan’s whispered pleas to release him and stepped over him on her way to Sebastian. In seconds, Mikey was tearing a pained grunt from him as she crawled over him and settled next to him with a satisfied sigh.
“Brat,” Sebastian muttered with a mock glare as he rubbed his thigh with one hand while he reached for her hand with the other.
“You know what I can’t help but notice?” Jonathan asked conversationally while Sebastian entwined his fingers with hers.
“What’s that?” Sebastian asked, unable to look away from Mikey.
“That no one’s thanked me yet,” Jonathan said with a heartfelt sigh as he finally managed to tear the last piece of duct tape off his legs and got to his feet.
“What exactly are we thanking you for?” Sebastian asked, reaching up to run his fingertips along Mikey’s jaw, unable to help himself and-
“Nicole,” Jonathan said, making them both go still.
“What the hell are you talking about?” Sebastian asked as he glanced back at his brother.
“I told you that I was taking care of it,” Jonathan said, shrugging it off as he climbed onto the top bunk and dropped down onto his back with a satisfied sigh. “You’re welcome.”