Page 14 of Difficult
“I’m done with the little brat,” Cole bit out as he joined them, only to narrow his eyes on the teenage girl muttering to herself while she shoved her glasses back up her nose as she made her way past them.
“And she seems heartbroken about it,” Sebastian said as he was forced to reach over and grab hold of Mikey’s bag to stop her from sneaking off to the baseball fields when she made her move.
“She does, doesn’t she?” Cole murmured absently, never taking his eyes off Chloe as he reached back and grabbed hold of Mikey’s backpack and helped pull her back into the line.
“What did you do to piss her off this time?” Sebastian asked as Mikey mumbled sadly, “Baseball soothes me,” by his side.
“I know it does,” Sebastian murmured absently as he took in the busy courtyard.
That was followed by a mumbled, “I’m going to have a look around,” as Mikey shifted her backpack over her shoulders, sighed heavily and headed off, leaving Sebastian standing there, watching as she paused by a table welcoming back seniors to help herself to a notebook before helping herself to a tee-shirt from the football team’s table moments before she wandered inside and-
“Are we going to talk about that?” Cole asked, making Sebastian bite back a sigh as he reluctantly shifted his attention away from the teenage girl that he couldn’t seem to stop thinking about.
“There’s nothing to talk about,” Sebastian said, slowly exhaling as they stepped up in line.
“If you say so,” Cole said, shrugging it off as he reached past the girls staring down at their phones and grabbed a welcome packet off the table and handed it to Sebastian.
“Are you going to tell me what you did to piss Chloe off?” Sebastian asked, stepping out of line as he opened the packet and took a look inside, taking in the welcome letter, the map of the school, and the list of resources covering everything from the hours for the school store to a list of events that they could look forward to this year.
“I offered her a ride to school,” Cole said as they headed inside.
“You only have a permit,” Sebastian reminded him as he placed the welcome packet in his backpack and pulled out his schedule.
“And yet, I was still willing to give her a ride to school,” Cole said, shrugging it off as he reached over and plucked the schedule out of his hand.
“And how did that go?” Sebastian asked as Cole looked over his schedule.
“You mean besides the pleas for mercy?” Cole asked, handing the schedule back to Sebastian as he gestured towards the left hallway.
“How’d Uncle Jason handle that?” Sebastian asked, watching Cole shrug it off as he said, “He was the one pleading for mercy,” making his lips twitch.
“And Chloe?” Sebastian asked as they made their way down a long hallway lined with tastefully decorated windows and the occasional leather chair.
“Is a violent little thing,” Cole said with a heartfelt sigh when they came to the end of the hallway and headed down the hallway to their left.
“Are we going to talk about that?” Sebastian drawled back.
Chuckling, Cole said, “She adores me,” as Sebastian spotted Chloe coming down the hallway only to go still when she spotted them. That was followed by a wince as she quickly turned around and went back the way that she came from.
“Is that why she’s fleeing?” Sebastian asked, gesturing absently towards the teenage girl trying to navigate her way through the crowded hallway and-
“Stop acting like you don’t adore me, woman!” Cole yelled as he went after her, leaving Chloe to panic as she ducked into the nearest classroom, leaving Sebastian standing there, shaking his head in wonder as he watched his cousin go after the girl determined to drive him crazy.
“Poor bastard,” Sebastian said as he found his way to his first class and-
He couldn’t believe this was really happening.
Slowly exhaling, Sebastian opened the door and made his way inside, taking in the rows of desks taking up most of the large classroom, the students filing into the room, the books stacked along the windowsill, and Uncle Jason sitting at his desk checking something on his computer as Sebastian made his way to the row of desks by the windows and sat down.
Once there, Sebastian shifted to get more comfortable, glanced at the clock on the wall above the whiteboard and swallowed hard when he realized just how nervous he really was. Needing something to do, Sebastian stood up and made his way over to the bookcase in the corner and helped himself to a book before heading back to his desk and sat down, only to realize that he already read this one.
He moved to grab another book when he spotted Mikey walking into the room with a warm smile for Uncle Jason, only to watch that smile slowly slip away when she spotted him sitting there. Frowning, Sebastian watched Mikey nervously lick her lips as she shoved her hand into her backpack and grabbed her schedule before dropping her bag on the floor, all while mumbling, “This can’t be happening,” to herself while she stared helplessly down at the schedule in her hands.
“What’s wrong?” Uncle Jason asked, frowning as they watched Mikey frantically shake her head as she continued mumbling to herself. “I-I can’t be in this class.”
“Why’s that?” Uncle Jason asked as he pushed his chair back and stood up.
“That boy!” Mikey said, pointing a damning finger at Sebastian and making him bite back a sigh.