Page 16 of Difficult
“Bradford,” Uncle Jason said, only to add, “He’s my nephew,” when Mary sent him a questioning look. With a warm smile sent Sebastian’s way, she returned her attention to her computer.
“Sebastian Bradford,” Mary murmured to herself as she typed in his name. “What changes would you like to make?” she asked as she turned the computer around so that Uncle Jason could take a look at the screen.
“Mr. Bradford needs to be enrolled in as many AP classes as we can fit into his schedule,” Uncle Jason said as he reached over and began clicking on each class, opening a drop menu and scrolled through the list of classes available for that time slot.
“The AP classes assigned homework over the summer. Sebastian might have a difficult time catching up,” Mary said after a slight hesitation.
“I have faith in Mr. Bradford,” Uncle Jason reassured her with a smile as he changed out United States History I for AP Biology.
“The books for the AP courses can’t be downloaded. They’ll need to be purchased and then, there are the costs for the labs and the exams,” Mary explained as she pulled on a pair of reading glasses and took a closer look at the screen. “His scholarship should cover some of the costs.”
“Whatever his scholarship doesn’t cover, I’ll pay for,” Uncle Jason said, finishing what he was doing before turning the computer back over to Mary.
A moment later, Mary was gesturing to the schedule request form. “I just need your parents’ signature and you’ll be all set, Sebastian.”
“I’ll sign for him,” Uncle Jason said as Sebastian stood there, releasing a shaky breath as he watched his uncle sign the form and-
“It’s time to show them what you can do.”
“Perfect spot for a nap,” Mikey murmured as she made her way to the desk in the back corner hidden behind several large boys and dropped her bag on the floor with a satisfied sigh. That was followed by dropping down on the chair that was definitely going to make it easier to take a nap and-
“Umm, what do you think you’re doing?” came the demand that let Mikey know that her first day of high school was about to get a lot more interesting.
“Wondering why you can’t seem to take your eyes off me,” Mikey said, blinking up at the girl glaring down at her before taking in the two girls standing behind her and noted the matching highlights, the perfect makeup, and the school uniforms that looked more expensive than the one that she was wearing.
“Probably has something to do with the fact that you’re in my seat,” the girl who really seemed determined to glare at her said as she made a flicking motion for Mikey to move.
“Is that why you’re staring at me intently?” Mikey asked, blinking up at her as she settled back in her seat while she waited for her new fan club to move on.
“That’s why I’m waiting for you to move,” she said as she folded her arms over her chest while she slowly ran her eyes over Mikey, taking in everything from her Dutch braids to her backpack before adding,“Charity case,”in a mocking tone.
“Charity case?” Mikey repeated back slowly as she followed her new best friend’s gaze and found her looking down at the backpack the school sent to her over the summer.
“They send those to all the charity cases,” one of them said in a mocking tone.
“Our parents paid for us to attend this school,” the girl who really didn’t seem to like her said with a look of disgust and another gesture for Mikey to move.
“Which means that seat belongs to us,” her friend said as Mikey looked up just in time to watch Uncle Jason walk back into the room without Sebastian.
“Find a seat, ladies,” Uncle Jason said as he picked up a file off his desk when her fan club continued to stand there, glaring down at her.
In a conspiratorial whisper, Mikey said, “I think he’s talking to you.”
With a look that told her that this wasn’t over yet, her new best friends reluctantly found their way to the other side of the room as Mikey released a heartfelt sigh and shifted to get comfortable in her seat, needing a nap now more than ever. With another sigh, Mikey folded her arms on her desk and laid her head down with a sleepy murmur and-
“Miss Campbell,” Uncle Jason drawled, drawing her attention to find him watching her.
“Yes?” Mikey said, trying not to wince when he leveled a look on her that she knew all too well.
“What are you doing, Miss Campbell?” Uncle Jason asked as he folded his large arms over his chest and leaned back against his desk while he waited for an answer that probably wasn’t going to end well for her.
“Waiting for class to begin so that I can take some lovely notes,” Mikey said with a hopeful smile.
“And your notebook?” Uncle Jason asked as Mikey blindly reached down into her bag and grabbed the first thing that felt like a notebook.
“Right here,” Mikey assured him as she held up the notebook that she’d helped herself to from one of the tables outside.