Page 21 of Difficult
“On what?”
“On whether or not I’m going to get in trouble,” she said, nodding solemnly.
“We’re here to discuss the way that you treated Heather and Nicole,” he said, gesturing to the two girls watching her with smug expressions.
“Wait. Which one will I get in more trouble for, bullying or sleeping?” Mikey asked, deciding that it would probably be in her best interest to clear that up before she said anything else.
“There’s no sleeping allowed in class,” Uncle Jason drawled as he watched her closely.
Nodding, Mikey said, “Which is why I wasn’t sleeping. I was bullying Jessica and Karen,” as she gestured absently to the girls that clearly had way too much time on their hands.
“Our names are not Jessica and Karen!”
Blinking, Mikey asked, “Then, why did he just call you that?”
“He didn’t!”
“Mikey,” Uncle Jason said, sighing heavily as he pinched the bridge of his nose. “What happened?”
“I decided to treat high school like prison and went after two girls bigger and older than me and bullied them to the point that they cried to establish dominance?” Mikey said with a hopeful smile.
“We didn’t cry!” came the outraged denial that had her wondering why they were making this more difficult than it needed to be.
“Shhh, there’s no shame in crying,” Mikey assured them with a pitying look that seemed to piss them off more.
There was a heavy sigh, and then, Uncle Jason said, “Give me your phone, Mikey.”
“Because I tormented two girls until they ugly cried?” Mikey asked, really hoping that would be enough to get them to drop this.
“We didn’t cry!” Nicole snapped.
Grumbling, Mikey pulled out her phone and handed it to Uncle Jason. He glanced down at her phone, swiped and-
“She was sleeping,” he said with a heavy sigh.
“No, I wasn’t. I was building a reputation as a vicious bully,” Mikey assured them.
“How do you know?” the headmaster asked, frowning as he glanced at Uncle Jason.
“Because her watch recorded it,” Uncle Jason said with a pointed look at the smartwatch on her wrist as he held up her phone, making her wince.
“Bullying relaxes me?” Mikey said with a hopeful smile.
“What’s the punishment for filing a false bullying report?” Uncle Jason asked with a pointed look at the girls, who really seemed to have it out for her.
“Detention for a week,” the headmaster said, leveling a look on the girls that had Mikey wincing in sympathy.
“What? That’s not fair!” Nicole snapped.
“That’s unfortunate,” Mikey said with a pitying shake of her head, only to wince when Uncle Jason asked, “And for sleeping in class?”
“Running laps after school,” Coach Jackson drawled as his eyes locked on her.
“But the bullying exhausted me,” Mikey mumbled sadly.
“Mr. James will be expecting both of you after school,” the headmaster said with a pointed look that had her two new BFFs getting up and storming out of the office without another word, but they made sure to glare at her every step of the way.
“For some reason, I don’t think they like me,” Mikey mumbled as she watched them go.