Page 29 of Difficult
“And I’d really like to know why you were sneaking into your room at five in the morning,” Reese said as he shifted her in his arms.
“Because four was too early?” Mikey said with a hopeful smile.
“Fair enough,” Reese said as he turned around and-
“Now, where were we?” Uncle Jason, who’d managed to climb off the roof in the last thirty seconds, asked on a heartfelt sigh as he reached over and grabbed her.
“You were letting me go back to bed, assured that I’ve learned my lesson?” Mikey suggested, really hoping that they took pity on her.
“I’m afraid that I can’t do that, Mikey,” Uncle Jason said as he shifted her over his shoulder, earning a pained grunt that he easily ignored as he made his way around the house.
“You really could, though,” Mikey pointed out.
“And miss out on all the fun?” Uncle Jason asked, making her frown as she suddenly found herself placed down on her feet and-
“But I don’t want to run,” Mikey mumbled sadly, only to stumble back as she struggled to remember how to breathe when he said, “Baseball training has just begun.”
* * *
Why wasMikey curled up in the fetal position at the end of his bed? Sebastian found himself wondering as he glanced from the small teenage girl mumbling, “I don’t want to do any more pushups,” to herself to-
Oh, crap…
“Do you know what I’ve been thinking?” his father drawled, drawing his attention to find his father standing by his bed, glaring down at him.
“I’m a good girl,” Mikey mumbled sadly to herself, only to follow that up with a sad little sniffle that had Sebastian swallowing hard as he glanced back at his father.
“No,” his father said, shrugging that off as he dropped down on the desk chair with a satisfied sigh. “I was thinking that since the two of you like spending so much time together that it was only right that Sebastian join you and the other delinquent for your morning training sessions.”
Sebastian opened his mouth to talk his way out of this mess only to find himself wondering about something. “The other delinquent?”
Nodding, his father said, “He should be joining you soon,” as his lips pulled up into a smile that left Sebastian struggling to remember how to breathe.
* * *
“You needto learn how to share,” Cole muttered when the teenage girl, who clearly didn’t appreciate him, grumbled as she continued hogging the covers.
“Why are you still here?” Chloe demanded as she shifted more violently than he felt was necessary only to give up trying to get comfortable and rolled over onto her back so that she could glare at him.
“Why are you hogging the bed?” Cole countered as he gave up waiting for her to share the blankets and rolled over onto his stomach with a grumbled, “Brat,” when she tried to shove him off the bed again.
“Because you’re not supposed to be here?” Chloe said, making him sigh heavily as he turned back over and-
“No, he’s not,” came the cold words that had Cole going still and swallowing hard as he looked up to find Chloe’s uncle standing in front of the bed along with his father.
Before Cole could say anything, and he really didn’t think that there was anything that he could say at the moment to save his ass, his father was reaching over and wrapping his hand around his ankle and-
“Let’s go have another talk.”
“You missed a spot,” Jonathan murmured as he gestured absently with the ice-cold Coke in his hand for them to get on with it.
“I’m going to kill him,” Cole bit out as he yanked his work gloves off and went to do just that when Uncle Jason drawled, “The gazebo’s not going to finish itself,” from where he lounged on the patio along with Sebastian’s father and Uncle Reese, enjoying a beer.
With one last glare aimed at Jonathan, Cole leaned over and snatched the gloves off the ground as his gaze flickered next door and-