Page 35 of Difficult
“I like this one better,” Sebastian said, watching as her lips twitched.
Nodding, Aunt Kasey shifted her focus to Mikey. “Are you planning on helping?”
“I am helping,” Mikey murmured absently, turning the page. “I’m supervising.”
“And you’re doing a great job,” Sebastian said dryly.
“I know,” Mikey said, nodding solemnly as Jonathan let himself in through the back door and made his way to the cupcakes that Sebastian frosted earlier.
“What are you doing here?” Sebastian asked, throwing his brother a questioning look as he watched Jonathan take his time selecting a cupcake.
“Wondering if hell froze over,” Jonathan drawled as his gaze flickered to Mikey as he selected a chocolate cupcake with extra buttercream frosting.
“That’s what we’ve been wondering too,” Aunt Kasey said with a teasing smile that had Mikey’s eyes narrowing on her.
“I’m trying to supervise here, people,” Mikey grumbled, only to follow that up with a forlorn sigh as she turned the page, only to grumble, shift her focus to his iPad, type something and grumble again.
God, she was adorable, Sebastian thought as he stood there, unable to take his eyes off her and-
He was going to kill his brother, Sebastian decided when he saw the knowing look on the little bastard’s face. That was followed by Jonathan shooting him a wink and releasing a satisfied sigh that had Sebastian’s eyes narrowing on him.
“Incidentally, dinner’s ready,” Jonathan murmured, sounding thoughtful as he selected another cupcake.
“I can finish that,” Aunt Kasey said with a warm smile as she gestured for him to get going.
“Are you sure?” Sebastian asked after a slight hesitation as he reached for the ties on his apron.
“I’m sure,” Aunt Kasey said as she gestured to Mikey. “Besides, I’m in good hands here.”
“You really are,” Mikey murmured absently as she frowned down at whatever she was reading.
“Do you need help this weekend?” Sebastian asked as he pulled his apron off and hung it on the hook next to the one that Mikey accidentally set on fire last week when she was taking cookies out of the oven.
“I’m catering a lunch on Sunday,” Aunt Kasey said, throwing him a questioning look as she grabbed his paycheck off the counter and handed it to him.
“I’ll be here,” Sebastian said as he plucked his iPad out of Mikey’s hand, earning an adorable pout before he grabbed his bag off the floor and headed for the door with Jonathan by his side, devouring another cupcake and-
“When are you going to do it?”
-forced him to bite back a sigh as he made his way around the house.
“Don’t start,” Sebastian said as they made their way down the long driveway.
“The dance is tomorrow night,” Jonathan pointed out as they made their way across the street.
“Drop it,” Sebastian said as they walked past their father’s truck, through the front door and sighed when he saw the empty kitchen. At his questioning look, Jonathan said, “I lied. We already ate,” shrugging it off as he finished off the last bite of cupcake.
“Of course you did,” Sebastian said with a heavy sigh as he made his way to the fridge and grabbed everything that he was going to need to make a sandwich.
“So, when are you going to do it?” Jonathan asked as he grabbed two Cokes from the fridge and placed one on the counter near Sebastian.
“Do what?” Sebastian asked as he quickly made a sandwich.
“Kiss her, ask her out, profess your undying love for her, something other than look at her longingly from across the room,” Jonathan said, shrugging it off as he reached over and helped himself to a slice of turkey.
“Drop it,” Sebastian said, adding more turkey on his sandwich before he slapped a slice of bread on top.
“I’m afraid that I can’t do that,” Jonathan said with a sad shake of his head and a forlorn sigh.