Page 4 of Difficult
“I would,” his father said, pushing away from the wall, “I really would, but there’s just one slight problem with that.”
“What’s that?”
“They already warned me that you would try to pull something like this.”
“You’re not getting out of going to school,” his father said as he reached down and plucked Mikey off the bed.
“But I’m a bad influence and a miscreant! I don’t deserve to go to high school!” Mikey rushed to explain, almost desperately as his father threw her over his shoulder. “Think of all the young, innocent minds that I could corrupt!”
“I would, but your mother offered to make me a chocolate cake if I destroyed your plans to get out of going to school in the morning,” his father explained as he carried her out of their room.
There was a gasp of outrage and then, “You traitor!” as Mikey was carried downstairs.
“You know…” Jonathan said, drawing Sebastian’s attention as he shoved his blankets aside. “I always knew she’d have a mental breakdown. I just never thought it would be this soon.”
“I think she finally had a look at her new school uniform,” Sebastian said, chuckling as he grabbed his shoes and headed for the window.
He’d been wondering how long it would take before she finally had a look at the boxes the school sent last week. He’d been waiting for the moment that Mikey realized that she had to wear a skirt to school every day, but she’d simply shrugged it off, shoved the boxes in the corner of her bedroom, and went back to watching the game. He’d considered telling her, but…
He wanted to savor the moment.
“I wonder what she looks like in a dress,” Jonathan murmured, sounding thoughtful as Sebastian pulled on his shoes and since he’d been wondering the same thing, he didn’t say anything.
Mikey hated anything and everything that she considered “girly,” and she would definitely consider wearing a skirt girly. Although he was curious to see what she looked like in a dress, he honestly didn’t care what she wore. He-
“You should have kissed her,” Jonathan said, making Sebastian sigh as he searched for his new sweatshirt, only to remember that the little brat helped herself to it a few minutes ago.
“It’s not like that,” Sebastian said as he stood there, debating trying to carry his iPad under his arm, but…
He didn’t want to risk dropping it.
Decision made, he walked over to their closet, grabbed the sweatshirt that was at least two sizes too small for him and…once again found himself sighing heavily when Jonathan said, “No, but you want it to be, right?”
“Leave it alone,” Sebastian said because he wasn’t having this conversation, especially knowing that it would only encourage his brother. Jonathan had enough to torment him with, he wasn’t about to admit just how badly he wished things were different with Mikey.
“You should just kiss her,” Jonathan said as Sebastian gave up trying to pull on the sweatshirt that was too small for him and stole Jonathan’s sweatshirt instead.
“And you should just let it go,” Sebastian told him as he pulled on his brother’s sweatshirt and grabbed his iPad.
“I would, I really would, but then, how else would I torment you?”
“By just being you?” Sebastian suggested, shoving the iPad in his pocket and once again found himself heading for the window.
“She likes you,” Jonathan said, sighing heavily as he turned over onto his stomach.
“Yeah, like a brother,” Sebastian muttered as he glanced out the window and watched their father make his way back from dropping Mikey off across the street.
“Then, you should move on and ask someone else out,” Jonathan suggested, and even though Sebastian knew that was probably the only way that he would be able to get over whatever this hold that Mikey had on him, he couldn’t.
He didn’t want anyone else.
He wanted Mikey, but the problem was, she didn’t want him.
“I’m going to need you to hobble me,” Mikey said as soon as the teenage boy who’d taken his time coming over here finished crawling through her bedroom window.