Page 71 of Difficult
“I don’t have a choice,” Sebastian said as intense blue eyes met hers.
“Are you going to tell me why you’re doing this?” Mikey asked, watching as her fingertips slowly ran along his jaw.
Shaking his head, Sebastian said, “I have a plan.”
“For…” Mikey said, hoping that would be enough to get him to talk.
“Nice try,” Sebastian said, closing his eyes on a soft sigh as she narrowed her eyes on him and-
“I can feel you glaring,” he mumbled sleepily as she pulled her hand away and placed it back on his arm so that she could run her fingertips along his arm while she tried to figure out why he was doing this.
“What did you do today?” Mikey asked, watching him closely.
“Did you miss me?” Sebastian asked as she ran her fingertips down his arm, over his hand and along his fingers.
“Not even a little bit,” Mikey lied as she pulled her hand back and ran her fingertips back up his arm.
“Liar,” he said, chuckling.
“Didn’t have time,” Mikey said with a sad shake of her head. “After training with Dad and Braxton, I helped with the boys, supervised Mom making a wedding cake, finished my paper for Uncle Jason, and ran drills with Braxton.”
And she’d missed him every second.
“Sounds exciting.”
“It really was,” Mikey assured him, watching his lips twitch as she ran her fingertips back down his arm.
“If it helps, I struggled against the urge to beat the hell out of Jonathan and shove his body in a dumpster,” Sebastian mumbled as she ran her fingertips back down to his fingers.
“It really does,” Mikey assured him as she moved to run her fingertips back up his arm, only to have Sebastian spread his fingers apart so that hers slid between them.
“Are you ready for tryouts?” Sebastian asked as he wrapped his fingers around hers.
“As ready as I can be,” she promised him.
“You’ll be fine,” Sebastian assured her as he absently ran his thumb over the back of her fingers before asking the one question that she’d been avoiding for the past three months. “And your fan club?”
“Have completely forgotten about me.”
* * *
“That’s gonna leave a mark,”Sebastian said on a pained grunt when he hit the ground.
Biting back a groan, Sebastian dragged himself off the ground and started making his way back to his house, struggling to ignore just how exhausted he really was and just how badly he wanted to turn around and make his way back to Mikey’s bed so that he could pull her back into his arms, but that wasn’t an option. So, instead, Sebastian willed his legs to move and made his way across the dimly lit yard, careful to stay out of reach of the floodlights, across the street, and then, pulled himself up onto the porch roof and made his way onto the small roof above.
Seconds later, he was shoving his bedroom window open and-
“Definitely going to leave a mark,” Sebastian muttered against his bedroom floor.
“So, I’ve made a decision,” Jonathan murmured, sounding thoughtful as Sebastian moved to drag himself off the floor only to say the hell with it and crawled the rest of the way to his bed.
“Don’t care,” Sebastian grumbled hollowly as he pulled himself onto his bed, only to groan when he saw what time it was.
“You’re going to drop soon,” Braxton said, sighing heavily as he climbed out of bed and closed the window.
“Probably,” Sebastian muttered weakly, even as he wondered how much longer he was going to be able to keep this up.
He was running on fumes and ready to drop, but he needed to pull this off. If he didn’t…