Page 73 of Difficult
Realized that she really had to use the bathroom.
“Damn it,” Mikey muttered pathetically as she grabbed her clothes and debated her next move, only to decide that it was time to multitask.
Decision made, Mikey quickly made her way past the lockers and showers and into the tastefully decorated bathroom. She made her way to the first stall, quickly closed the door behind her and locked it and did what she needed to do as she stripped off her school uniform, tossed it onto the bathroom floor and-
Felt her stomach drop when several pairs of well-manicured hands reached beneath the stall and grabbed her clothes. That was followed by the sounds of giggling along with the unmistakable sounds of them running away.
“I probably should have seen that one coming,” Mikey found herself mumbling as she sat there in her underwear, nodding for some reason and-
“Definitely should have seen that coming, too,” Mikey said into the darkness when the lights suddenly went out.
Sighing heavily, Mikey finished what she was doing, felt her way to the door, where she fumbled with the latch for a minute before she finally managed to make her escape. As she felt her way to the sink, she couldn’t help but wonder why they were still making her life a living hell.
She’d thought that they’d get bored and move on, but apparently, the brochures the guidance department handed out on how to deal with bullies were wrong. She should probably let them know that, but later, much later, right now, she had to figure out how she was going to pull this off in her underwear. She could wrap herself in one of the shower curtains and make her way to the front office so that she could raid the lost and found and hope for the best.
It wasn’t the best option, but something told her that it was her only option at the moment. Decision made, and she really wished that there was another option, Mikey swallowed hard as she followed the bathroom counter with her hand and quickly made her way back into the pitch-black locker room and into the shower rooms, where she realized that her fan club had thought of everything.
Not knowing what else to do, Mikey made her way back into the locker room and nearly sighed with relief when she saw the light pouring in from the pool. Wondering what else they had in store for her, Mikey reluctantly made her way to the pool. She paused by the double doors, making sure that Nicole and her entourage weren’t waiting for her on the other side and when she didn’t see anyone, she stepped onto the expensive tile only to sigh heavily when she spotted what appeared to be her backpack and clothes at the bottom of the pool.
* * *
“Where’s Campbell?”
“She’s not coming,” came the response that had Sebastian frowning as he looked up from the book that he was reading to find Nicole and her entourage hanging out by the fence.
“What do you mean she’s not coming?” Coach Jackson demanded as he looked up from the iPad in his hands.
“We heard Mikey say that she didn’t have to go to tryouts,” Nicole said, only to have one of her friends add, “She said something about only having to show up when she felt like it.”
“They’re lying their asses off,” Jonathan bit out as Coach Jackson’s expression turned furious.
“No kidding,” Sebastian said, shoving his book back into his bag as he went to go find Mikey when he spotted her making her way towards them, completely soaked from head to toe.
Trying to make sense of what he was seeing, Sebastian watched as Mikey quickly made her way over to him and dropped her backpack on the ground by his feet, where a puddle immediately began forming before she reached over and-
-began manhandling him.
In seconds, Mikey managed to yank his sweatshirt off and was pulling it on with a satisfied sigh. Ignoring the murderous glare aimed at her, Mikey said, “I’m sorry I’m late, but all of my clothes and my backpack somehow ended up at the bottom of the pool. Once I managed to get them, I realized that I had also somehow managed to get locked inside the gym. Thankfully, the windows above the bleachers weren’t locked, so I managed to wiggle my way through one of them, and once I hit the ground and remembered how to breathe again, I decided that it would be a good time to put all those laps to good use and headed this way. Thankfully, a stranger offered me a ride, but don’t worry, I said no when he offered me candy because I know better,” Mikey said, even as she stuck a lollipop in her mouth and waved to the elderly groundskeeper waving goodbye to her as he drove past the field in his golf cart.
“Jesus Christ,” Coach Jackson mumbled, pinching the bridge of his nose.
Nodding solemnly, Mikey said, “That’s exactly what he said when I explained stranger danger to him.”
“Maybe you should go inside and change,” Coach Jackson suggested on a resigned sigh.
“I’m good,” Mikey said, shaking her head as she continued enjoying her lollipop while Sebastian noted the predatory gleam in Nicole’s eye as she watched her.
“Please tell me that your glove wasn’t in your bag,” Coach Jackson said, even as he gestured for one of his assistant coaches to grab a glove for her.
“I asked my trusted sidekick to keep an eye on it for me,” Mikey said with a gesture for him to hand it over.
“Stop calling me that,” Sebastian said, sighing heavily as he reached inside his bag and grabbed her glove.
“You know you love it,” Mikey murmured, handing her lollipop to him as she took her glove.
“Ready?” Coach Jackson asked with a warm smile as he gestured for her to join them.