Page 84 of Difficult
“We had plans,” Sebastian reminded her.
“We did?” she said, somehow sounding even more confused and managing to piss him off even more.
“You demanded that I spoil you,” Sebastian reminded her as they made their way towards her old school.
“I see,” Mikey murmured, sounding thoughtful.
“I’m sure that you do,” Sebastian said, more than ready for this night to end. He just wanted to go home, devour whatever was in the fridge and pass out so that he could wake up tomorrow morning and pretend that this never happened.
“That would explain why you looked pissed,” Mikey said with a heartfelt sigh as they made their way past her old school and cut through the park. “There’s only one problem with that.”
“And what’s that?” Sebastian asked, glancing down at Mikey to find her struggling to bite back a smile.
“You forgot to tell me when,” Mikey said, letting her lips pull up into a teasing smile that had him stumbling over a root as her words hit home and when they did…
“I told you,” Sebastian said as he thought back to their conversation the other night and-
Oh, Christ, he really forgot to tell her.
“You really didn’t, though,” Mikey said with a sad shake of her head as she made her way to one of the picnic tables and sat down. “There was a promise of spoiling, but sadly, I’m really not feeling very spoiled at the moment.”
“Are you feeling like a pain in the ass?” Sebastian asked as he joined her.
“It’s not really a feeling. It’s more like a state of being,” Mikey said, making him chuckle.
When she didn’t say anything else, Sebastian looked over to find her watching him expectantly. “Well?” Mikey said, blinking at him.
“Well, what?” he asked, starting to become a bit concerned when she continued staring at him.
“I’m still in need of spoiling,” Mikey said as she gestured for him to get on with it.
“Of course you are,” Sebastian said, biting back a smile as he pretended to think it over. “I mean, I suppose I could take you to a movie next Friday.”
With a sympathetic wince, Mikey said, “I’m afraid that I already have plans.”
“And what plans would those be?” Sebastian asked, only to release a pained grunt when the little brat shoved her backpack in his arms so that she could rifle through it.
“The same ones that you have, I would imagine,” Mikey murmured as she pulled a baseball from her bag and began rolling it between her hands.
“And what plans would those be?” Sebastian asked as he dropped her bag on the ground between their feet.
Blinking, Mikey said, “The ones that you’ve known about since the beginning of the year?”
When he only stared at her, she said, “The camping trip?”
“That’s not for a few weeks,” Sebastian said, only to sigh when he remembered that they’d changed it to make sure that Mikey didn’t miss any games this year. “I forgot about that.”
“I can see that,” Mikey murmured absently as she stared off, looking lost in thought and-
“Why did you leave the sleepover early?” Sebastian asked, watching as she pulled her phone out of her pocket and handed it to him.
“What’s this?” he asked, throwing her a questioning look before he swiped open her phone.
“A love letter from my fan club,” Mikey said as he read the email letting Mikey know that she didn’t make the team this year and-
“This is fake,” Sebastian said, taking in the email domain that didn’t match the one the school assigned him before moving back to the email telling Mikey that after careful consideration, Latin Scribe High School has decided to rescind her scholarship after she failed to meet their standards. That, if she wanted to continue attending Latin Scribe High School that she needed to pay the sixty-thousand-dollar tuition by the end of the week, and if she couldn’t afford that, there were plenty of charities that could help people like her.
“The tuition is off by five thousand dollars. They misspelled Coach Jackson’s first name. The roster only consists of ten players when you’re required to have at least fifteen to play in order to avoid having to forfeit. They also only have one pitcher on the roster when Latin Scribe is known for having a team of five pitchers to avoid burnout and the one that they picked doesn’t know the difference between a fastball and a curve ball,” Mikey said as she reached down and grabbed her bag.