Page 86 of Difficult
“She wanted you to kiss her,” Jonathan said as they headed inside and made their way upstairs to their room where Sebastian shoved the little bastard into the closet.
Ignoring his brother’s pained grunt, Sebastian dropped down on his bed with a sigh and-
“Is it something I said?”
-decided to grab the duct tape.
“Mercy!” Mathew screamed as Jonathan dragged him towards the woods and-
Mikey decided that it would probably be a good idea to find another spot to set up her tent. Decision made, she shifted her backpack over her shoulder as she tightened her grip around the tent that she’d helped herself to and slowly turned around as she debated her options. There was the spot by Uncle Trevor’s tent, the one near Uncle Jared’s tent as well as the one near Uncle Darrin’s tent, but since all of their tents had been set up within attacking distance of the grills, she decided that it would probably be a good idea to find another spot.
There was the spot near the girls, Mikey thought as her gaze shifted to the pink tent set up by the path and quickly dismissed the idea when she heard giggling. That left the boys, Mikey thought as her gaze shifted back to the large tent that had been flattened when Joshua and Mathew decided to piss Jonathan off and-
“Mercy! Oh, God, somebody help me!”
“A random spot away from everyone it is,” Mikey murmured as she turned around and went in search of the perfect spot.
Five minutes later, she was releasing a satisfied sigh when she found the perfect spot away from everyone, close to the fire, but not too close, a shady little spot by the trees, quiet but close enough so that she could scream hysterically if the need arose. Thirty minutes after that, Mikey was putting the finishing touches on her tent. She had the tent exactly the way she liked it with her sleeping bag set up along the left side, snacks and an entertainment area on the right, and it was all hers.
Once she was done, Mikey released a satisfied sigh, grabbed her bag and headed off to the bathroom so that she could get ready for bed. After a quick shower, she changed into a pair of sweatpants, pulled on the Bradford Construction sweatshirt that she’d helped herself to from Sebastian’s room the other night and headed back to her tent only to sigh when she spotted Jonathan helping himself to her snacks.
“Nope, not happening,” Mikey said, shaking her head as she gestured for him to get out.
“But I missed you,” Jonathan said, doing his best to look pathetic as he stuffed a cookie in his mouth.
“Don’t care,” Mikey said, tossing her bag in the corner before she grabbed hold of his leg and dragged him out of the tent.
“Oh, come on! Don’t be like that!” Jonathan said, shoving a handful of chips into his mouth.
“Goodnight,” Mikey said, plucking the bag of chips out of his hands and tossed it back into the tent.
Ignoring his gasp of outrage, Mikey climbed back into her tent and closed it before dropping down on her sleeping bag with a satisfied sigh. Resigning herself to hitting Pats in the morning to replenish her snack supply, Mikey grabbed her iPad, swiped to the selection of movies that she’d downloaded and found herself frowning when her tent was suddenly ripped open and-
Couldn’t help but wonder why Sebastian was throwing his sleeping bag on the ground next to her. That was followed by wondering why he was in her tent.
Blinking, she asked, “Can I help you?”
“I’m going to kill them,” Sebastian mumbled into his sleeping bag while she lay there, contemplating kicking him out, but…
“We’re going to get in trouble,” Mikey pointed out as she returned her attention to her iPad.
“Don’t care,” Sebastian muttered. “I’m not sleeping in the tent with them.”
“Neither am I,” came the announcement as Braxton crawled into her tent and dropped down on the other side of Sebastian with a groan.
“Move over,” Cole said as he threw his sleeping bag against the wall and dropped down on it.
“I don’t think there’s enough room,” Mikey said, only to shift closer to Sebastian when Jonathan, who looked really pissed for some reason, threw his sleeping bag down next to her and dropped down on it with a mumbled, “I’m going to kill those little bastards.”
“That really doesn’t explain what you’re doing in here,” Mikey pointed out as she was forced to move over when Jonathan wiggled in silent demand for more room.
“Doesn’t it, though?” he asked as she once again found herself being shoved closer to Sebastian. She tried to push back and regain some space, but Jonathan simply ignored her and somehow managed to push her over until she found herself thinking about the other night when intense blue eyes locked with hers.
She’d thought about that night a lot over the past few days.
She thought about the way that Sebastian looked at her.