Page 9 of Difficult
He thought this day would never come and had resigned himself to spending the next few years killing time until he was old enough to work for Uncle Jared, but thanks to the little pain in the ass that he adored more than anything, he was getting a second chance. He just…
Hoped like hell that he didn’t screw this up.
“No, I figured out how to do that when we were still in diapers,” Jonathan murmured as he reached over and pulled Sebastian’s tie loose and wrapped it around his own neck above the perfectly knotted black and red striped school tie identifying him as a freshman at Radcliffe Academy. “But I did figure out how to handle your problem with Mikey.”
“I don’t have a problem with Mikey,” Sebastian said, watching as his brother made quick work of tying a knot before pulling the tie off over his head and tossing it back to him.
“Really? Then, you figured out how you were going to profess your undying love to Mikey?” Jonathan drawled as Sebastian pulled the tie on over his head.
“What’s this about Mikey?” Mathew asked around a yawn as he moved to join them in the bathroom and-
“Oh, come on!”
-was quickly reminded that Jonathan didn’t appreciate interruptions when their brother jumped off the counter, slapped his hand on Mathew’s face and shoved him out of the bathroom before slamming the door shut in his face.
“Now, where were we?” Jonathan asked with a satisfied sigh.
“You were trying to piss me off,” Sebastian reminded him as he adjusted his tie around his neck, only to sigh when Jonathan pushed his hands away.
“I prefer the term ‘helping out’,” Jonathan murmured as he finished straightening Sebastian’s tie for him.
“And I’d prefer that you dropped this,” Sebastian said, not really sure that he could handle talking about Mikey right now, not when he was struggling not to panic.
He couldn’t mess this up.
“You’ll be fine,” Jonathan said, easily guessing where his thoughts had gone.
“And if I screw this up?” Sebastian asked as he stood there, slowly exhaling and-
“Mikey will probably hurt you,” Jonathan reminded him with a shrug, making his lips twitch.
“She does seem rather violent,” Sebastian murmured, feeling himself relax as he thought about the small teenage girl who was making this better.
“Which is why you like her,” Jonathan pointed out.
Sighing heavily, Sebastian moved past his brother and opened the door to find Mathew standing there, glaring. Shoving his little brother aside, Sebastian headed back to his room, grabbed the backpack Latin Scribe High School sent along with his scholarship package and headed downstairs, where his mother was waiting with her phone.
“You look so handsome,” she said with a warm smile as she snapped a picture.
“You said that a week ago when you made me try everything on,” Sebastian pointed out.
“We had to make sure that everything fit,” his mother said with a solemn nod as Sebastian headed towards the kitchen.
“And the hysterical sobs that followed?” Sebastian drawled as he walked into the kitchen.
“Made it easier for me to accept the fact that my baby was in high school,” she said as Sebastian took in all the plates of food spread out on the kitchen table, noting everything from the burnt Pop-Tarts to the bowls of watery oatmeal and decided that he’d grab something later.
“You didn’t cry when I tried on my uniform,” Jonathan pointed out as he moved past them and helped himself to a burnt strawberry Pop-Tart.
“That probably had something to do with the fact that you decided to give us a fashion show at three in the morning,” their mother pointed out with a glare that Jonathan easily ignored.
“It seemed like the best time to get an honest opinion,” he said, shrugging it off.
“You were in your underwear,” she reminded him.
“Because I wanted to make sure that they met with your approval,” Jonathan said, finishing off the Pop-Tart.
“I honestly have no idea where we went wrong with you,” she said with a sad shake of her head, even as she reached up and grabbed hold of Jonathan’s shoulders and pulled him down so that she could kiss his cheek.