Page 90 of Difficult
“Now, where were we?” Mikey asked with a satisfied sigh as she tossed her sleeping bag down on the ground next to Sebastian and moved to sit down on it only to rethink that decision when she caught a whiff of their sleeping bags.
Deciding that this just wouldn’t do, Mikey tossed her sleeping bag aside, reached down and-
-shoved Sebastian off his sleeping bag, grabbed his sleeping bag and tossed it on top of the other one before standing up and considered her options. Uncle Jared’s sleeping bag looked comfy, but Uncle Jason’s was oversized and would provide her with the extra legroom that she needed.
Decision made, Mikey helped herself to Uncle Jason’s abandoned sleeping bag and Uncle Darrin’s pillow before grabbing Uncle Darrin’s sleeping bag and pillow, and because an extra pillow would go a long way to make up for the day she’d had, she helped herself to her stepfather’s pillow. With the ill-gotten goods in her arms, Mikey released a satisfied sigh as she made her way back to the fire and dropped the sleeping bags on the ground.
With that, Mikey dropped down on the oversized sleeping bag that she’d helped herself to, fluffed her pillows, and laid down with a murmured, “That’s much better,” before she turned onto her side so that she could glare at the teenage boy who betrayed her.
“Sleeping outside?” Mikey said as she watched Sebastian drop down on the sleeping bag next to hers.
“You crossed a line with that Red Sox comment,” Sebastian said, confirming her suspicions that he’d sold her out.
“You know that if a bear attacks us tonight that I’m going to be forced to hobble you, right?” Mikey asked, watching him closely as he turned over onto his side so that he was facing her.
“I already assumed that,” Sebastian assured her as she reached for a baseball, only to remember that they were in her tent, the tent that they were currently banned from entering, thanks to the skunk aroma clinging to their skin.
Needing something to do, Mikey reached over and took his hand in hers as she rolled over onto her back. With a satisfied sigh, she began toying with his fingers while she stared up at the night sky and listened to the fire crackling only a few feet away as she found herself wondering about something.
“What do you think happened between Cole and Chloe?” Mikey asked.
“He most likely did something that pissed her off,” Sebastian murmured.
“That does make sense,” Mikey said, nodding as she continued tracing his fingers with her fingertips.
“Have you ever noticed that the men in your family have a tendency of pissing off the women in their lives?” Mikey asked as she turned her head to find Sebastian watching her.
“It’s the one thing that we’re truly good at,” Sebastian assured her as his gaze shifted to their hands.
Nodding, Mikey said, “I have noticed that,” making his lips twitch.
For a moment, Sebastian didn’t say anything as they lay there and then…
“Have I ever done anything to piss you off?” he asked after a slight hesitation.
“All the time,” Mikey assured him with a solemn nod that had him chuckling.
“Anything recently?” Sebastian asked as his gaze found hers.
She opened her mouth to lie to him only…
She had to know.
“That depends,” Mikey said, watching him closely.
“On what?” Sebastian asked as she began toying with his fingers one by one, needing the comforting move to help her decide how she wanted to do this.
“On whether or not you’re actually going to tell me the truth,” Mikey said, watching him go still.
“I guess that depends,” Sebastian murmured, making her lips twitch.
“On what?”
“On whether or not you’re going to do the same.”