Page 5 of Unlikely Match
Two people walk over toward us, and Alex's hand slips around my waist to gently pull me out of their way. Standing with my cheek practically against his chest for just a few seconds makes my pulse skyrocket, my heart pound.
Tilting my head up, my nose almost grazes his jaw as I breathe him in. Then I catch him smelling my hair. "What?" He doesn't even look embarrassed as he chuckles. "I've always loved vanilla."
Even on a blind date, Alex seems completely relaxed. I have to wonder: has he dated so extensively that it's no big deal to him anymore?
Although, let's be honest. He's only on this date as a favor to his cousin. He's probably not thinking of anything other than winning the contest just for the hell of it.
As for me, though, it's only been a few hours of small talk, yet I really do feel a connection forming. Ugh. Time to get my game face back on.
"Ready for gallery number four?" he asks.
"Sure." As we approach his car, I stop. "It's only eight blocks away. You look a little tired. Maybe I should drive?" Holding out my hand nonchalantly, I'm positive he's going to laugh.
Instead, Alex smirks. "You'll want a picture of this, for sure."
He places the keys in my hand, and I whip out my phone for a photo of our hands gently touching. My thumbs are shaking asI caption the photo. "On our way to a fourth gallery. I guess the date is still going well if he's letting me drive his car there?"
Once we're buckled in, I take another photo of the steering wheel as I point to the logo in the center. "PS:For those following along, raise your hand if you think A allowing me to drive this particular car is a good sign???"
Alex chuckles as I glide into traffic e-x-t-r-e-m-e-l-y carefully. "Asking questions in those captions is probably a smart idea. Even if people don't respond, it creates engagement."
"That's the idea." Thank goodness I don't have to parallel park, turning smoothly into a space one door down from the gallery.
"Well done. You're a natural."
I hand him back the keys, then join him on the sidewalk. "I can't believe you let me drive your Rolls."
He shrugs. "I'm well insured, and knew that you'd be careful." My breath stops as his hand reaches out to cup my cheek. "Plus, there's something about you that makes me trust you." His voice is deeper now, almost husky. His thumb drifts across my cheek as I feel my lips part. Is he actually going to kiss me?
His hand drops, gripping my hip and turning me slightly. "Give me your phone." I hand it to him, and he uses the corner of it to tilt my chin up. "Part your lips a bit more. Great. Don't move."
He takes a photo and shows me. Holy. My lips look incredible in the glow of the street light, with a planter full of flowers beside us. The fact that it's just my mouth, not the rest of my face, somehow makes it sexier.
Alex grins, lighting up his eyes. I love that they have the slightest crinkle in the corners of them when he really smiles. "How do I type the caption?" I set it up, then stare in disbeliefas his thumbs fly across the screen. "If I get enough likes on this post in the next 60 seconds, I'll take it as a sign I should kiss these perfect lips."
My hands are visibly shaking as I add the hashtag and hit send.
"You posted it. Does that mean you agree with my idea?" he asks softly.
"Yeah." I can barely pull in enough air as he pulls me closer. My body feels so soft next to the solid, muscular wall of his. His thick arm tightens around me, pressing my breasts against his chest as my chin lifts. The electricity between us is like a series of tiny explosions firing through my bloodstream. Like my body wants to be connected to him as much as possible.
"Um, how many likes did you say?" I whisper.
"I don't actually care. Do you?"
I start to shake my head, as Alex catches my lips against his in a soft, warm kiss that makes my thighs tighten, my stomach clench, and sends tingles through my entire body. Before I realize I'm doing it, my hands wrap around the back of his neck, slipping inside the collar of his shirt to touch as much skin as possible.
A dark growl burns through his throat as he pulls away. "I had no idea that the back of my neck was so sensitive," he murmurs. "Tell me what you like, Jewel."
"I don't know. Everything?"
His breath mingles with mine as he kisses me again, deeper, hotter, and backs me against the brick wall. The entire world disappears, leaving nothing but our two bodies pressed together, desperately trying to touch at every point possible. His palm tangles in the back of my hair, tilting my mouth to his as if we couldn't possibly get close enough.
"Jewel, tell me to stop," he mutters against my mouth.
"Don't want to. Can't make me."
I can feel his smile as he kisses me even harder for several blissful seconds before finally pulling away. "If you're not going to stop me from being inappropriate, who will?"