Page 5 of Protecting My Vampire
“That’s about right, yes,” Willow said. “She’s going to come for you at some point anyway. And even though Cassius is still mortal he knows her. He knows how she thinks. He can still be of use, especially if she comes to attack you.”
Brandon cursed under his breath and leaned back in his throne, looking to the heavens. “I was not expecting this to happen today. How could you let this happen?” he looked at me. I bowed my head, feeling the heat of shame pass through me.
“I am not sure how it happened.”
To my surprise Brandon laughed. It was a dry, cracked sound, a sound without humor. “So you, the wisest and oldest and most powerful creature in the world has been bested. Do you think this has anything to do with the fact that you’re no longer a vampire? Have the spells you’ve woven been undone?”
I ignored the insult for I knew that I deserved some sort of payback for my oversight. “No, magic does not work that way. If that was the case then the other vampires would have returned with her. Since it was only Amara it means that this was her doing. Somehow she found a way back, I just have no idea how.”
“Great. Well, you’d better tell me about this Amara then, if we have to prepare to defend ourselves against her.”
“She is the most ruthless of all the vampires. Her rage is only matched by her intelligence. She has lived for a long time. Of all the vampires she has seen it all, and has held onto her hatred of everything all her life. She taught me to hate as well. She taught me many things. She was the one who turned me into a vampire in the first place.”
“Wonderful. Anything else?” he asked. “Do you know who she was before all this?”
“She was a nun. She lived in a convent that healed the sick. Her heart was pure, and her faith was unwavering. But then one day she felt the naked cruelty of a man. Her clothes were stripped, her flesh was violated, and something precious was taken from her. God did not save her, did not protect her, and so the faith that had been such a vital part of her identity had been stripped from her. The world seemed like a lie, and she was no longer willing to partake in it. And because of the crimes committed against her she saw that the whole of humanity was sinful, and her heart was poisoned with hate. She became a vampire and carried this hatred with her. She’s a fanatic, believing that only vampires deserve to live in the world because we are the purest creatures. She has waged war against many, especially against your kind. An ocean of blood has been left in the wake of her life, but nothing except the complete conquest of all worlds will be enough to sate her hunger. She wants to punish everyone for the sins that were committed against her, and over the years this hatred has grown out of control. It consumes her completely.”
“Well she sounds like a lovely person. Once again my opinion of vampires has been vindicated,” Brandon said. He looked annoyed. I did not try and dissuade him of his notion. “So if she’s so powerful and wise how did you manage to defeat her before?”
“I did not defeat her. I merely took her off the board. It was a gambit that would only work once, because she does not fall for the same trick twice. Her downfall was her hubris. She did not believe that any of her vampires would ever turn on her. The idea of me betraying her never entered her mind. She had no reason to think that she was drinking poison, and when she entered a paralyzed state I cast the spell that spirited them all away.”
“So we can just poison her again then,” Naomi suggested. It was the first thing she said.
“She won’t drink anything she hasn’t made herself now. One of the reasons she’s so dangerous is because she will always learn from her mistakes. And she will come for all of us.”
Brandon puffed out his cheeks and rubbed his eyes. He looked tired. “So what do you think her next move is?”
“To swell her ranks. She will either try and bring the vampires back from the nether realm I condemned them to, or she will try and turn others. But I stole this from the castle,” I held up the book. Brandon looked nonplussed. “This is a book of portal spells. Without it she will find it much harder to determine where she needs to go. It has bought us some time, at least.”
“Thank goodness for small mercies,” Brandon said sarcastically. “Alright, go and get settled in. I’ll think on this and then I’ll address the pack later.
“You’re letting them stay?” Naomi asked, her voice rising with surprise. Brandon’s glance was sharp, and he looked shocked. He hadn’t been expecting her to speak against him.
“Willow is still a part of this pack, and Cassius no longer poses a threat to us. There is no reason to turn them away,” he said. I wondered if I should have felt insulted about no longer being considered a threat. I did not make any comment about it though, I merely thanked him and then turned outside where Peter was waiting for us.
Chapter Four
My head was swirling with emotion. I still couldn’t quite believe this was happening. After trying so hard to run away from this place I was back here, back in the place that held so many bad memories for me. My heart was filled with anguish as I yearned to be away from here, and yet there was my father, standing with an imploring look in his eyes, his sadness pitiful as he tried to grasp this second chance he had to know me.
“I’ve just gotten you some blankets and changes of clothes. I put a little bit of food inside as well, but there’ll be more later. If there’s anything you need just come and see me and I’ll make sure you get it,” he spoke quickly, his words belying his nerves. “And if you want to come and see us you’re more than welcome. I know it’s not what you planned, but it’s really good to have you back here Willow, and you too, Cassius.”
“I just wish it could be under better circumstances,” Cassius said. I wasn’t sure what to say. Words lodged in my mouth and I felt as though I was choking on stones. I managed to force a smile, but I did not allow it to linger. Dad began moving away, but before I could follow I sensed movement behind me. It was Naomi.
“Could I have a word Willow?” Naomi asked. Dad said that he would take Cassius to our temporary (or new) home. He must have thought that this was going to be a welcome reunion between two people who had once been friends, although that friendship had existed so long ago that it was almost like a dream. I turned to see Naomi’s hard eyes staring back at me.
“What are you doing here?” she spoke in a low, strained tone. Her words were heavy and they dripped with animosity and fear.
“I just told you what we’re doing here, and if you must know it wasn’t my choice. Cassius thought it would be the safest place for us.”
“Well you should have stayed away. I know what you’re really planning. You’re not going to get another chance with him Willow.”
My face scrunched up in confusion. “Another chance with who? Brandon?” I asked, realizing that was the only person she could have meant. Her eyes narrowed so much that her pupils looked like two black dots embedded in her face. Her features were pinched, every ounce of beauty stripped away from her and replaced by this hard, brittle thing.
“You came here to get back with him, didn’t you? You’re trying to steal him from me. I’m just telling you that it’s not going to work. You can’t expect a promise made in childhood to supersede the one he and I have made together. I am his mate, and you’re just going to have to deal with it.” Her words flew from her mouth like arrows and she radiated this deep resentment that must have burned her blood. I was shocked by the animosity.
“I don’t have any intention of doing so Naomi. I’m not here for any other reason than Cassius said. There’s a vampire on the loose and we couldn’t stay in the castle. It’s as simple as that.”