Page 9 of Protecting My Vampire
“To one of my favorite places.”
“At this hour?”
“I never took you to be a coward,” I teased.
“I always was, before I became a vampire,” he muttered, low enough that he might have thought I couldn’t hear him. I could though, but I pretended I didn’t. Cassius had never had much pride in the man he had once been. I loved him no matter what, but now that he was a mortal I supposed that a lot of old feelings came rushing back, small insecurities that had not been present as a vampire would be more pressing in his mind now. I hoped that I could distract him from this.
The forest was indeed dark. A cloak of inky blackness descended upon the world, sweeping away all the vivid color that the sunlight revealed. It was as though all the world was night, and there was no escaping it. The thin moon offered little light, the stars glowed, but they were so far up in the sky that they did not radiate anything of note either. Cassius stumbled behind me, his strides uneven, while I was surefooted. In the distance I could hear the sounds of nocturnal animals coming to life. They were hesitant as they heard us storming through the woods, taking a moment to remain secluded in safety before they ventured out, just in case we were looking for them.
We were not.
We moved swiftly and then I stopped as we came to a lake. The moon was reflected in it, as were the stars. They shimmered slightly, the liquid night that might as well have been made of ink. The air was cool, which I found refreshing. I noticed Cassius shudder a little. His breath turned to vapor as it left his mouth.
“What is this place?” he asked.
“This is the lake we use to bathe. In the daytime many wolves come here to refresh and cleanse themselves,” I replied.
“And at night…?”
I flashed him a bewitching smile. His eyes must have adjusted by now so that he could at least make out the features of my face. “At night lovers come here to enjoy some time alone. It’s a place where intimacy can thrive,” I dropped my voice low and moved closer to him. My fingers laced in with his. I felt the heat radiating off his body.
“Isn’t it too cold?” he asked, his teeth chattering a little.
A small laugh left my lips. “I’m sure we can find a way to warm each other up. Besides, you’ve seen me in your world. I think it’s time you see me in mine,” I said, stepping back from him towards the lake. My feet found the water and I stood in the shallows. A chill wrapped around my ankles and contrasted with the burning desire that ran through my blood. These two sensations fought with each other, embattled in a war that only one could win, for only one was fueled by Cassius.
I pulled my dress over my head, revealing my curves to him. The night caressed my skin, the shadows softening my body so that I was just an hourglass. Long hair fell against my shoulder. I placed my hands on my bare skin, enjoying the feeling of the air caressing me. Then I looked at him. His eyes glinted in the night. He came to me with open arms. His hands slipped around my waist as we fell into a kiss. His lips found mind unerringly. They would always find me, because we were made for each other. Our breath danced and twisted in a rising plume, while my heartbeat quickened. All I wanted was to lose myself in him for a while, to forget about the danger that surrounded us. I wrapped my arms around him and tried to coax him into the water.
“It’s too cold,” he whispered.
I laughed and slowly wound my arms around him. I twisted my leg around his ankle and then, as he was prone to my attack, I shifted my weight and jerked him to the side, bringing him crashing down. We sank into the lake. Water sloshed around us as we made a splash, sending ripples rushing out across the lake. I collapsed in laughter as he cursed and spluttered and tried to push himself away, scrambling to the long grass on the shore.
“You’re insane!” he cried as he wrung out his clothes and shook the water from his hair. I followed him and laughed.
“It’s refreshing, and it’s a rite of passage. Besides, it’s only a bit of water.”
“You have to remember that I’m not as hardy as I once was. Anything could kill me now. What if I become ill? I might get pneumonia. I need to get out of these wet clothes.”
“I thought you’d never offer,” I said quietly and helped him peel away his attire. His mood shifted after this, being reminded of why I had brought him out here in the first place. His clothes were draped across the grass, wrinkled and soaking, while our skin glistened with dewy moisture. As our hands swept across our bodies they pushed away droplets of water and spread the fire of passion. The heat and the ice mixed together, creating these wild sensations within us that were intoxicating. We kissed again and I pressed my body against his, making sure to share all of my burning warmth. He responded by turning towards me and deepening the kiss. He might as well have been falling into me. It was such a sweet sensation, and it was one that I was never going to tire of.
We fell to the grass, resting on our knees. We faced each other and stroked each other tenderly. Our shivering breaths passed between us as we nuzzled into each other. I stroked the powerful muscles that stretched across his back and he reached down my chest, his fingertips grazing the rising curve of my breasts. I shuddered as he touched my nipples, teasing them as he pinched and stroked them. My breaths deepened as I felt the water simmer upon my skin. We had made love so many times now that we were attuned to each other’s body. We knew where each other’s sweet spots lay, and the mystery wasn’t in finding them, but was in how and when they were going to be stimulated.
He swelled with arousal, all the blood rushing to the middle of his body. He was hot to the touch, as though I was making love to the sun itself. He turned me around and held me close, coiling his arms around me like vines. His long fingers dug into the soft skin of my breasts, groping them and causing sweet sensations to shudder around me like rippling waves. My neck arched back and he kissed me, his breath getting tangled in my hair. I reached down and found his arousal, curling my fingers around it. I felt the hardness pressing against my palm, such a sweet feeling. I loved knowing that I turned him on this much, that I made him a weapon of lust rather than just a mere man. I began to stroke him lovingly, going slowly at first and then speeding up, loving how the rhythm of his breath and his heart changed. It beat against my back, the steady, strong rhythm making lust course through his body, sharing it with me somehow. I stroked his soft tip and a grunting moan rolled past my ears. It sounded like distant thunder, because my mind was rising into the air, pulling away from my body.
He moved his lips around me, twisting so that he was in front of me again. He caught my lips in a fervent kiss and then I descended on his body, wanting to please him, wanting to stimulate all of his sweet spots at once. My hair spilled over his thighs as I ran my hands up and down his long chest, my fingers moving across the angles of his muscles. He exuded masculinity and the force of his attraction and arousal was almost suffocating. My mouth dropped open and I kissed his erection, loving the hardness against my tongue as I wrapped it around him. I closed my lips around his shaft and gently sucked deeply, the gentle motions of my mouth causing great, erupting tremors that passed through his body and shattered the silence of the night as they burst out of his mouth.
I made love to him like this for a while, before he pulled me away gently. Our eyes locked as he pushed me to the grass and sank down with me. His lips left a trail of kisses from my stomach down to my thighs, and then he used his mouth and tongue to make me as wet as the lake we lay beside. My head twisted from side to side as soft moans rolled out of me, joining the night air. Spikes of pleasure ran across my body and waves of delight ebbed and flowed within me, getting more and more intense until I could not cope with them at all and my entire body arched, caught in one moment of ecstasy where all the world felt as though it had opened up to me and there was no mystery left at all. I was seized by this orgasmic delight, my back arching up, before I settled to the ground again.
And then Cassius slid up my body, his arms cradling me, his lips kissing me, his love drowning me. Our limbs twisted together, moving by instinct to find each other. He pressed me into the ground as I opened myself to him and felt that sweet burst of pleasure mixed with pain as he entered me. I clung to him, feeling the writhing movements of his body rolling over me, as though the very world was quaking. I wrapped my legs around him and dug my fingernails into his back. He kissed me and then buried his head against my neck, his breath so hot it scorched me. His hands grabbed my thighs and ass, and then moved up to my breasts. My entire body was screaming out with passion. It was as though I had become one single nerve, the entire sensitive surface of which was being stimulated at once. The pleasure was exhilarating and draining, and I wasn’t sure if I had a number of orgasms that were chained together, or just one long one that lasted for an eternity.
I panted as he made love to me, as I lost myself in all of this pleasure we were sharing and the world seemed so far away. The world, with all its cruelty and strife meant nothing more to me than an ant would to a titan. The only thing that mattered was he and I and the love we shared, and I knew that as long as we had this we would always be happy.
When it was over we lay in the grass, the pleasure dissipating from our flesh. Our chests heaved, and the emotional intensity was so great that I had almost embraced the wolf inside me. It was always so raw and powerful and bestial that my mind wanted to open my soul, but I remained mortal for Cassius’ sake. I remember hearing the howls of wolves running away from the lake. In my youthful naivete I thought they had just been friends, but now I see that their bonds had run deeply within them. It was the same bond that linked Cassius and I together.
A thought occurred to me. When I spoke, my voice was as soft as a whisper, as though I was afraid of shattering the silence of the night, despite having done so already with my soaring, sweet moans. Yet that seemed like another version of me, a version that was not beholden to the whims of the world because it was all pure instinct and raw bestiality, somehow even more primal than I was as a wolf. It was nothing that I could control, nothing that could be reined in.
“What is love?” I asked.
Cassius angled his head to look at me, peering down from the bridge of his nose. “Are you becoming a philosopher now, or perhaps a poet?”