Page 33 of The Submissive
She pulled out her phone and looked for a message from Helen. Voicemail. Email. Text. Anything. She tried to send Helen something when she had the chance, but recently it was all Monique making a fool of herself. She even went as far as to leave Helen a voicemail stating she was ready to serve her. On a personal level, it felt right to say that. But when she considered her position in that mansion, she was reminded that she was supposed to be the calm and collected one. Leaving frenzied voicemails would only scare Helen away.
Maybe she’s no longer interested in me.Monique had initiated a pursuit on her end. Now that Helen had her once… perhaps she was no longer interested in having her again.
That wasn’t why Monique was so on edge lately. Nor did it have anything to do with her taxes. Not really. She kept pristine records and always stayed within the law.
No, what made her antsy so much lately was…
She stared at the pile of letters stacked on her bureau. She couldn’t help it when there were so many.
The first letter, received the day before, called her a “cheap whore who gives it to any rich bitch.” The second, received a week ago, insinuated that Monique’s body was so used up that she better not be charging too much.“There’s this thing called shelf-life, my pet,”it said in Jacqueline Love’s disgustingly nice handwriting.“The longer you sit on the shelf, being tried out by various customers coming through the door, the less value you have. Are you so stretched out and beat up that nobody will buy you for full price now? That’s unfortunate. You were svelte when you were with me. You know, I’ll take you back no matter what those other brutes say or do to you. When you get tired of playing house with whores and fooling around with inferior women, come back to me. We’ll pretend none of that happened.”
Monique should tear up those letters and toss them into her fireplace. Yet something prevented her from taking such agency.You idiot.She continued to sit on the edge of her bed and stare at those letters.You know she’s lying to you. Of course she was. Jacqueline didn’t love her. She wouldn’t respect her. Monique never once entertained the thought of going back.
No, what unsettled her was that Jacqueline not only knew where Monique was but that she had been with Helen.
At first, Monique thought it was a fluke that she got that letter so soon after her first night with Helen. Then she got another one. A letter that said,“My birdies tell me that some blonde-haired bimbo is in your bed now. What did she do to you? Tell me in great detail, and I might forgive your treason toward me.”
She hadn’t told anyone. Certainly none of her employees. Not even Helen. Then again, Monique didn’t want to worry her, and they hadn’t seen each other since that one night.
Hence Monique’s disbelief when her phone lit up with a call.
The disbelief was fleeting, for within a few seconds she expected the worst.Jacqueline. If she knew what was going on in Monique’s bedroom, then surely Jacqueline knew her new phone number. Jacqueline was a woman with means. She could find out if she paid the right people enough money.
Monique tentatively picked up the phone, fully expecting to see her ex’s number.
Instead, she saw Helen’s.
Never before had Monique slammed on a button so hard. She pressed the phone to her ear and said, “I thought you would never call me again.”
Warmth spread in her heart when Helen chuckled on the other end of the line. “No need to be so dramatic, Princess.” The bite in her voice was what Monique required. “I’ve been away on business. I returned earlier today. Once I had some time, you were the first person I called… I hope it’s not too late. Or that you’re too busy. I know Friday is a dodgy day to call you.”
“I’m done for the night.” Monique turned away from the pile of letters. “I’m alone and have some time right now. I’m glad you called.”
Helen took a while to respond.What are you thinking? That I’m pathetic and needy?Monique wanted to project the image of a “good sub.” Or a woman who could fill her role but without all the trappings. Yet I feel… like this.
“I’m calling because I need to make good on that rain check I sent you when I had to cancel last time. What are you doing onMonday? I made sure I have some time off this next week. I have to see you.”
Monique held her hand to her chest. “I want to see you too.” She imagined Helen sitting in some office somewhere… no, it was too late for that. Surely, she would be sitting in her bedroom by now. What did it look like? What kind of bedroom did a woman like Helen Warner have?I want to find out.Sooner rather than later.
“Then it’s settled. I’ll come pick you up on Monday.”
“Pick me up?”
“Well, you don’t think I’m going to insist you stay cooped up in that mansion of yours the whole time, right? I want to take you out for a couple of days. Nothing fancy. Just my place and maybe a couple of nice restaurants. I want to spoil you, Princess.”
Leave the mansion…Monique rarely stepped off her property. Hell, she rarely ventured beyond the walls. The occasional chat in the front driveway, or maybe a stroll through the gardens when the mood struck her. She wasn’t agoraphobic by any means, but she also wasn’t the type to wander out on her own.Am I naturally that way, or didshemake me this way?
“You spoil me talking on the phone.” Monique could practically hear the grin on Helen’s face. “Anyway, I can’t be away for too long. Lots to keep running around here. I should be back by Thursday at the latest.”
“Three whole days.” Helen whistled into the phone. “What am I going to do with you for three whole days?”
“I’m sure you’ll figure something out.” Monique went to her desk, picking up the recent letter from Jacqueline.Three days without worrying about her.All Monique had to do instead was wonder if she should tell her new Mistress about the old one harassing her.I don’t want to worry her.She also didn’t want to sound like someone who needed constant protection. Bad enough that as a lifestyle submissive she already gave off that“protect me” air.I want to be protected. If Helen could take her somewhere that Jacqueline could never find… Monique would move there and serve Helen for the rest of her life.
Helen sighed into the phone, a delightful sound that made Monique shiver to imagine it blowing against her skin. “I’m sure I will figure something out. Monday. I’ll tell you all about it on Monday if you can wait that long.”
Can I?Monique thought about playing that flirtatious game, but instead she said, “I look forward to seeing you, Ms. Warner.”
“Call me Helen.”