Page 45 of The Submissive
Monique batted her eyelashes at her Mistress. “Whatever you get me, Ms. Warner.”
Helen looked at her for a few seconds, completely ignoring the server in favor of sharing a smirk with her girlfriend. “Get the lady a Manhattan. Put them both on my tab.”
When the server left, she turned to Monique and wrapped her arm around the back of her chair. “Did I guess right? You seem like a woman who loves hard liquor and some fun.”
“You haven’t seen me with a good amount of hard liquor yet. I’m pretty giggly.”
“Hang on. Let me get that girl. I’ll load you up with Manhattans.”
The drink was perfect.Amazing that she knew I like vermouth.A lucky guess, really. Monique liked most liquor, so that wasn’t an issue. She even dared to ask to taste the gin and tonic mere seconds after enjoying the first sip of her Manhattan. Helen slid her glass toward Monique and stole her Manhattan. Unlike her girlfriend, she did not enjoy both.
Their intent in coming to The Midnight Hour that night was not to merely taste expensive drinks. They could do that back at Helen’s mansion. Instead, Helen had suggested the club in town for “the sheer thrill of it.” Although they had spent most of the morning and early afternoon playing on their own, Helen thought they might like to unwind by watching others and being around like-minded people.
Monique knew her real motive.She wants to show me off.This was their first time being seen in public, let alone sitting together so intimately.I haven’t been here since…The last time she came to Midnight was when Jacqueline had it in mind to watch other people spank each other for a change. Back then, she always made such a show of arriving and spoiling others.She liked to flaunt her wealth. That was something often associated with people of new money, but Jacqueline, born with a silver spoon in her mouth, fell into those same traps… wanting to beloved for her money, respected… it always bothered Monique to a point, but she could overlook it. For the most part.
The first show that evening was a Domme and her male sub.Just like being back at the Manoir.The woman in leather stepping onto the stage with a young man on a leash looked a lot like the June, whom Monique stole from this establishment back when she opened her Manoir.“How would you like to make more money, set your schedule, and have a fabulous place to live?”The woman down there wasn’t June, but if Monique was thinking about hiring more talent, this wasn’t a bad place to poach from.I wonder who that lady down there is. First, Monique wanted to see how good she was.
So did Helen, as evident when she leaned over Monique to get a gander at the stage.
The Domme made her sub kneel on the floor, arms tied behind his back and his head bowed. She told him to do something, and when he did not immediately obey, he received a gentle lash on the bare back.
“Oh, boy.” Helen leaned her elbow on the table. “There’s a man with fortitude. I for one have never cared for being spanked.”
“You tried it?” That only surprised Monique because Dommes seldom flipped the script. “You don’t strike me as the type who wants to be a sub. Ever.”
“You say that because you only know the me of now.” Helen curled her fingers on Monique’s arm and spoke directly into her ear. “A long time ago, I had it in my mind to try many tastes. At this point in my life, I know what I like. Everyone reaches that point in different ways.”
“Color me surprised that you would rather whip than be whipped, as you put it when we first met.”
Helen bit Monique’s ear as the man moaned below. “That was a good day.”
“Well, look who finally showed her face around here after God knows how long!” A curt voice interrupted their moment of affection, forcing Helen to back off her date and turn around. “Helen Warner, you ridiculous bitch.”
To the sounds of a whip cracking in the air, both Helen and Monique stared up at two women on a date. The one who had so casually approached them wasn’t very tall, but she wore a slick suit and clean-cut hair that suggested she came from as many means as Helen, if not more. Her date, on the other hand, was a svelte blond wearing a see-through brown dress that did not hide a single thing, including her breasts and thighs that were both pale and pink even under those lights. She wore a diamond-studded choker around her throat.A baby sub.Cute. They always went with the demure – but expensive – collars.
“Jem Mercier.” Helen stood up and shook the woman’s hand before settling back into her seat. Without invitation, both women slipped into the chairs on the other side of the table. “And this must be the lovely Gwyneth I’ve heard about.”
The blond woman blushed. Flattery always worked, even if a girl had no problems walking around in a public place with her nipples showing through her outfit. “You flatter me, Ms. Warner.”
Monique bristled.Great. Jealousy already? That didn’t take long. When she lived with Jacqueline, she didn’t get jealous of other women deferring to her. But Monique didn’t have a special name forthatwoman. “Ms. Warner” was something Monique already associated with her new romance. She took a drink before anyone saw her face.
“Nonsense. Jem talks about you all the time.” Once the other two were settled in and had ordered drinks, Helen turned to Monique. “Have you been introduced to Ms. Mercier before?” The implication was not lost on Monique.She wants to know if she’s been to the Manoir. What a sneaky woman.
Monique reached across the table and shook the other woman’s hand. “I think we may have met a few years ago. At a fundraiser.” That was always a safe answer in these circles.
The man down on the stage cried out in pain. Nobody at the table flinched. “Monique Grant, is it?” Jem sat back in her seat, arms crossed and eyes never leaving Monique’s face. “Boy, I certainly know you. Who doesn’t around these parts?”
Gwyneth glanced at her date. “Is that so?”
“Ms. Grant here runs that house of ill repute up in the hills, dear.” Jem cleared her throat. “Not that I’ve ever been there, mind you.” She then looked at Monique again. “No offense.”
“None taken.”
“Wait, the BDSM house?”
“I suppose you could call it that,” Monique said.
“Oh, I know you! Didn’t you used to date Jacqueline Love?”