Page 75 of The Submissive
Was it that obvious? “She betrayed my trust a bit. I’m still trying to decide how quickly I want to forgive her.”
“Lovers will always find ways to betray your trust. Usually by withholding something from you, right?”
“I suppose.” Monique already had a bleak outlook on the world. She didn’t need more reasons to distrust every person who showed interest in her. “She thought she was protecting me from something. Nothing of her fault. Family matters.”
“Then what’s the problem?”
“I guess I only wonder what else she’s hiding.”
“Have you talked to her?”
Monique was not prepared for this inquisition. “She understands why I am not happy.”
“What will it take to make you happy again?”
That was a good question. To submit to her, without fear of betrayal. A woman could only put her heart into another's hands so many times before she had to run because she was crushed. “I needed some space.”
“The poor woman is probably being tortured.”
“Hm, you think so?”
“If she had balls they would be so blue we’d all have to form a prayer circle that she makes it through her next business meeting. I mean, I’m guessing.”
Finally, Monique laughed.
June had to prepare for an appointment, leaving Monique to her thoughts and admonitions to herself.I want her. So why aren’t I with her?Perhaps the time had finally come.
Helen returned on Tuesday, a day she had to completely rearrange to fit Monique’s whim. From gauging the desperation in her voice, however, she would have moved her appointments to the moon if Monique asked.
Although she didn’t know it, Monique had no intention of asking her anything that night.
Tonight is the night she sees my true self. She closed the curtains in her room and lit candles everywhere – on the dresser, on the end tables, on the shelves lining her walls. She poured wine. One glass, for Helen… although Monique sneaked one to calm her nerves. Suddenly, she was back to their first night together, when anticipation sent her to the grave.
Monique was hardly dressed to go downstairs, but dinner had been set for Helen to join – alone. A maid came to her chambers to inform her that Ms. Warner was currently dining with June to keep her company. June? Monique hadn’t condoned that. Nor did she hate the thought.
Knowing June, she didn’t mean anything wicked. She was more likely sousing Helen Warner out in an attempt to get a feelfor what kind of woman she was. Well, she could do that. And Monique would get back to her plans for the night.
Helen was in the Manoir. She had no idea what awaited her, but she was downstairs, eating and drinking what Monique had arranged to be served. Meanwhile, she was turning her bedroom into a domain of pleasure, and the last thing to fix up was herself.
Her hair had tender curls caressing her skin. Her body was devoid of undergarments, only covered with a red negligee and a rose-red sheer satin robe that flowed behind her as she walked. She kept her feet bare, but her toenails were painted to match her outfit. She wore no jewelry besides the studs already in her ears.
While she waited, she started a small fire in the mantle she did not often use. Especially at this time of year. Yet it fit the mood of the room, and all Monique cared about was creating the perfect mood for when Helen finally walked through those doors.
She sent Monique a text message.“This is nice and all, but where are you? This girl won’t shut up, as sweet as she seems.”
Monique stared at the message until she thought of something appropriate to say.“I am waiting for you, Ms. Warner.”
She turned her phone off after that, an excited smile splitting her face in two.No, no.She needed to wrangle her emotions under control. Wouldn’t do her well to face Helen with the giddiness on the verge of making her explode.
The maid returned fifteen minutes later to announce that Helen was finished with dinner and making her way upstairs – June in tow. Monique could hear their voices down the hallway. “Be sure she shows her in. Then escort Miss June elsewhere. Ms. Warner and I are not to be disturbed for the remainder of the night.”
“Yes, ma’am.” The maid bowed her head and showed herself out. Within moments, June’s voice rang through the chambers.
“Do take care, Ms. Warner,” she said. “I believe your lady awaits.”