Page 4 of ASAP
Jenny slides into her seat.
“Sorry I took so long,” she says. “Jaewoo called.”
“Oh?” I pick up the menu again, which has far surpassed its original intended use, as I fan myself for the third time tonight. I glance at the clock on my phone. XOXO’s concert must have ended.
Jenny fidgets with her ball cap, and I raise an eyebrow. “What’s wrong?”
All in one breath, she says, “The members were scheduled to go back to the hotel after the concert, but they decided last minute to go to a restaurant. It’s down the street. Jaewoo invited me over.
“He invited you too,” she adds hurriedly. “I told him we were together.”
I feel my heart racing in my chest, a feeling I haven’t felt in such a long time that I can’t exactly place it. Is it nerves?
“All of the members are there,” I say, not a question, more a seeking of confirmation. Sun, the oldest, lead rapper, and leader of the group; Youngmin, the youngest and main rapper; Jaewoo, the main vocalist...
“All of them,” she confirms.
Or is it... excitement?
“You know what?” Jenny says. “This is our night. I’ll text Jaewoo that we can’t make it.”
I reach out and place my hand over hers, my heart filling with warmth. She wants to see Jaewoo, but she’s thinking of me. For her, I’d do anything, even face Nathaniel—lead vocalist, main dancer of XOXO, and my ex-boyfriend.
The street is somehow more crowded than two hours earlier, though it must be close to eleven. Jenny and I hook arms as we weave in and around standstill traffic. The address Jaewoo sent is for a restaurant down the street. A glance at the menu behind the window shows that it serves mainly hansik, traditional Korean food.
Two blocks down, a large crowd of people gather outside another restaurant, though they don’t appear to be waiting to go inside. Then I spot the van parked at the curb. XOXO’s crew and backup dancers must be eating at that restaurant to divert attention away from the actual location of the members.
A few fans look over, passing over Jenny and lingering on me. I pull my coat tighter around me.
“Jaewoo says there’s a side entrance to the restaurant,” Jenny says. We round the building into a short alley with a single dumpster. There’s a mildly distressing streak across the wall that could be either old paint or blood.
“As far as New York City alleys go, this isn’t that bad,” Jenny says.
“Well, as long as we’re murdered in a ‘not that bad’ alley.” I raise my bag in front of me, the clasp facing out.
“I hope this is the right door.” It doesn’t budge when Jenny tries the handle. Stepping back, she brings her phone to her ear. “I’m outside,” she says.
From inside there comes the sound of rushing steps, then the door bursts open.
“Jenny!” Jaewoo says, breathless. His hair is longer for this comeback and it slips rakishly over his eyes. He slowly lowers his phone from his ear, his gaze never leaving Jenny.
I wait for her to rush forward, but she remains unmoving. A glance at her face shows she’s... blushing. Is she being shy? How annoying. I shove her from behind and she stumbles into Jaewoo’s arms.
While they’re canoodling, I check the alley to make sure we haven’t been followed, then step through the door, shutting it behind me.
We’re in a service stairwell, with crates stacked against the wall to the right. On the left, concrete stairs lead upward. I catch sight of Ji Seok at the top. He nods to me before turning his face away, respectful of the couple’s privacy. I sigh. What have I become that I relate most to XOXO’s manager?
“Min Sori, it’s been a while.” Jaewoo holds out an arm and I step into his embrace. It seems not that long ago we were the same height, and now he’s tall enough to rest his head briefly on the top of mine before releasing me.
“Tonight was supposed to bemynight with Jenny,” I say, stepping back. “I’ll never forgive you.” I’m only half joking.
He matches my serious tone. “I owe you a life debt.” Then he breaks into that boyish grin that has set aflutter the hearts of fans the world over. “Are you two hungry? Let’s go to the room.” He herds us up the stairs, where Ji Seok bows to Jenny and me.
“Look at what Sori got me,” Jenny says, showing Jaewoo the contents of the shopping bag.
“I’m surprised she didn’t get you a stuffed animal.” He laughs.