Page 21 of Chasing the Light

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Page 21 of Chasing the Light

‘Hewants to try his hand at fashion while me andStellarun the weddings…’

Shelaughed. ‘Whendid you become so good at making excuses,Krish?TheguyIused to know didn’t let anything stand in the way of what he wanted.’Theireyes met and the smile fell off her face.Themoment the words were out of her mouth, she realised her mistake.Herthoughts rushed back to the night she’d left him.Backthen,shehad been what he wanted.Herwords danced perilously close to the thing she didn’t want to talk about.Shewould have to be more careful in the future.

Beforehe could say anything, she kept talking. ‘Ifanybody can do this, it’s you.Andhe’s not going to disown you,Krish.Itsounds like you two are close and…I’msure he values your friendship.Andif he doesn’t, then he’s not worth having in your life anyway.’Justlike she wasn’t worth having in his life.Justlike she had taken his love all those years ago and thrown it in his face.Nowonder he was nervous aboutConnorwalking away.Francescahad already done him the disservice of proving that life didn’t always go the way he wanted.

Shetightened her hand into a fist, digging her nails into the base of her thumb.Guiltsquirmed through her.Sheneeded to get out of that room.Ifshe was going to work in the same office asKrish, she’d have to try harder to keep things light.

Witha yawn and a stretch to make her look more relaxed than she was, she announced, ‘I’vegot to go.’Therewas aBollywoodfilm and a vodka tonic with her name on it.Tonightshe’d watch something fast and furious, likeDhoom.Somethingwith less romance and more fast motorcycles.Francescawas especially looking forward to the drinking part.

‘Yeah, me, too.I’vegot to get the van back toConnor.’Hestood up, his tall frame unfolding so that he towered over her.Heheld out his hand to pull her up.

Withoutthinking, she took it and immediately regretted it.Fiveyears had passed, but she still recalled the feeling of those hands on her skin.Heatrushed to her cheeks as she had a sudden memory of making love under theBladerunnerposter on his bedroom wall.Shewondered if he still had it.

Assoon as she had her balance, she dropped him like a burning coal.Rubbingher hand on her jeans, she turned towards the door of the equipment room.Shequickly packed up her camera bag and grabbed the cards with the data that needed recovering.Thefeeling that this was a mistake slithered back into her gut.

Beingwith him felt so natural, the equivalent of slipping into a cosy pair of pyjamas on a cold winter’s day.Evenon their first date, she’d felt at ease in his company; she could be herself in a way she couldn’t with her family or other people.Ifshe was a kite, then he was her string.Toher,Krishmeant stability, and she needed some of that right now—even if it came with a generous dollop of sexual attraction.Atleast she was five years older and wiser.Shecould handle it.

Withher hand on the door, she glanced over her shoulder. ‘PleasethankConnorfor the van.Andalso…thank you.’Hereyes dropped to the floor.Gratitudedidn’t come easily to her.Shedidn’t like feeling like she needed help or owed anybody anything.Shecould muddle through on her own, thank you very much.Asa strong, confident woman, there was no way that she would let her brokenness define her or make her weak.Ifthere was one thing she’d learnt, it was that the only person she could truly rely on was herself.

Buttechnically this specific situation had nothing to do with her health.Therobbery was beyond her control.

‘Mypleasure.’Hepretended to tip an imaginary hat towards her.

Asshe exited, she shot back, ‘Seeyou onMonday.And…good luck withConnor.You’vegot this.’


AsKrishclimbedthe steps towards theKnights’ front door, he gave himself a pep talk, reminding himself to be brief, direct, maintain eye contact, and not back down.He’dmade his decision.Openinghis own business was the next item on his plan.Hehad to stick to it.

Releasingone last deep breath, he rang the doorbell.Throughthe open window, he could hear the sound ofClaudia’sdistinct cackle.Shit.He’dforgotten they were having a dinner party tonight.

Thedoor swung open, revealingStellain a loose, turquoise halter-top dress that showed off her skin, freckled from months of travelling in hot places. ‘Krish!Whatare you doing here?’Shesmiled and threw her arms around him, planting a kiss on each of his cheeks.

Hehugged her back with affection.He’dalways likedStellaand thought she andConnormade a great couple.Seeinghow happy they were had given him the final push he needed to get overFrancescaand start looking for the right life partner.Andthen his sister had introduced him to her friend from yoga class…the rest was history.

‘Youlook amazing,’ he said. ‘Glowingwith health.’

‘Iknow,’ shoutedClaudiafrom the hallway, ‘isn’t it nauseating?’Sheappeared next toStellain a chic black cocktail dress. ‘Youstaying for dinner?’


‘Oh, you must stay!’ saidStella. ‘There’splenty of food.Andit’s vegetarian!Wehave so much to catch up on.’

Morethan you know, thoughtKrish. ‘Well,IguessIcould…’

ShegrabbedKrish’shand and pulled him into the house.

Inhis pocket, his phone vibrated.Heslipped it out and sawJess’sname on the screen.He’dleft her a message letting her know that he was running late. ‘Sorry,I’vegot to get this,’ he said to his host, pulling his hand out of hers as he answered the phone.

‘Hey, hun,’Jesssaid. ‘Justchecking on yourETA.How’syour friend?’

‘Allsorted.ButIhad to borrowConnor’svan and nowI’mjust dropping it off—’

Shelowered her voice. ‘Haveyou hadTheChatwith him yet?’

Heglanced atStellaandClaudia, who were standing one foot away, watching him.Stellasmiled.

‘Um, not yet.’

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