Page 42 of Chasing the Light
‘Please.Youcouldn’t work for him for the rest of your life.It’snot like you’re married to him.’Shesmiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes.
‘Hashe had any luck?’ThesoonerConnorfound a new assistant, the sooner he could stop feeling guilty.
‘Notyet.Funnilyenough, it’s not easy to find another talentedOxford-educated ex-lawyer assistant.Toughshoes to fill.Drink?’
‘Somewater would be great, thanks.’Theywalked towards the kitchen at the back of the house.Gracekept her big grey eyes glued to him overStella’sshoulder.Hemade a silly face at her, and she chuckled.
‘Areyou training for something?’Stellaasked.
‘No, no.’Justrunningfromsomething,he thought.
SheputGracedown at her feet, and the toddler started crying. ‘Gracie, just give mummy a minute.Ineed to get some water forUncleKrish.’Thento him: ‘Sorry.She’shaving real attachment issues right now.Ithink it’s because she’s teething.Notsleeping well either, which meansI’mnot sleeping well.Anyway, blah blah blah.Howare the proposal plans coming?Notlong now!’Shehanded him a full glass of chilly, filtered water.
‘Good, good.’
Terrified. ‘Nah.We’vealready talked about it.I’mpretty sure she’ll say yes.’
Hedrank the water in one gulp and went to the fridge to fill it up again.Thecoffee cups on the drying rack brought back the memory ofFrancescaand that sillyRyanGoslingmug.
‘I’mso happy for you,Krish.She’sa great girl.’
‘Yes, sorry.Yes, she’s great.’HepushedRyanGoslingandFrancescaout of his thoughts.
‘How’sthe new business coming along?Ichecked out your website.Krish, it’s truly stunning.’
Afterdowning the second glass, he said, ‘Thingsare starting to happen.Possiblybooked my first wedding.Abig one.AtBlenheim.’Orpossibly not.
StellapickedGraceback up and clamped the fussing child to her hip.Graceinstantly settled.
‘Actually,’ he continued, ‘that’s sort of whyIneed to talk to you.’
‘Oh?Soundsintriguing.What’sup?’Grabbinga box of cereal from a cupboard with her free hand, she plonked it onto the counter, then opened a drawer to pull out a bowl.Aspoon soon followed.
HewatchedStellafumble with opening the cereal box, liberally distributing seeds and flakes on the marble countertop as she poured out the contents. ‘CanIhelp you?’
‘No, no,I’mfine.’Sheput the cereal away before shuffling to the fridge for the milk.Henoticed that she had on some horrendous fluffy frog slippers.Onehanded, she twisted the cap off the milk container and poured it over her cereal.
‘Well, it’s a hugeIndianwedding in three weekends’ time, andIneed a second shooter.SomeoneIcan trust.SomeoneIknow will capture exceptional pictures of the bride—she’s beautiful, by the way—and whoIwouldn’t have to train up.’
‘Okay.Sowho did you have in mind?’
Stellafroze. ‘Me?’Hereyes went big.
Shehadn’t shot a wedding since beforeGracewas born. ‘Gosh,Krish,Idon’t know.Iwouldn’t want to mess this up for you.’
‘Please,Stella.You’reone of the most talented shootersIknow.You’ddo an amazing job.’