Page 45 of Chasing the Light
‘Doesthat mean you want another one?’ he joked.
‘No!Imean, no.Ihave to get on with my work.Deadlines…Um.Goodjob.’
Shesprang off the sofa and dashed into the editing suite to put as much space between them as possible.
Therest of the day was agony.
Shecould feel his presence on the other side of the room, working on his own pictures while she cut together footage of a wedding she didn’t actually hate.She’dbeen having one of her good days and didn’t have to fake being happy throughout the ceremony.Infact, she’d cried real tears during the vows.Thebride and groom had a bittersweet story: she had been on the cusp of marrying somebody else when she realised she was in love with her childhood friend.Theyfinally got together, had a baby, and decided to make it official.Thena few months later, he had a cycling accident and ended up paralysed from the waist down.Hewas in a wheelchair throughout the wedding.Peoplelike them remindedFrancescathat others had it far worse than she did.Herpain was nothing special.Shewas nothing special.
Tearsflowed freely down her face as she edited.Shemust have sobbed at some point becauseKrishput a box of tissues next to her and asked if she’d like some tea.Shenodded and wiped her face.Thankfullyshe hadn’t bothered with mascara that morning.
Theend of the day finally rolled around.Well, end of the day forKrish.Shewould stay on for another few hours.Takingoff her headphones, she cricked her head left and right, then stretched.Sheswivelled her chair around just asKrishswitched off his computer.
‘I’mgoing to head out.Geta quick bite before my class.Youstaying?’
‘Ofcourse,’ she said.
‘Okay.’Hepaused for a moment. ‘Hey,Iwanted to say—’
Whateverhe was about to tell her got cut off by the insistent buzz of his mobile phone on the desk.Helooked at the number and she watched his face tense.
‘Isit them?’
‘Yup.’Heblew out a quick breath and answered. ‘KrishKapadia.’
Shestudied his features for some sort of reaction.Afrown.Asmile.Asmall creasing of his forehead.Anything.
Nothing.Hegave nothing away.
Henodded. ‘Right.Thankyou for letting me know.’
Herstomach flipped and her eyes went wide.Krishhung up the phone.
Shecouldn’t take it any longer. ‘Well, what happened?Didwe get it?’
‘WEGOTIT!’ he bellowed and started jumping up and down.
Burstingout of her chair, she copied him, both of them pogoing around the room. ‘YES!’ she yelled, punching the air.Thiswas amazing news.Itmeant she could get a better office, pay the disk recovery guy, and so much more.Maybeshe could take a holiday!GotoGreeceand meet an unsuitable man and have no-strings-attached sex on the beach.
Theirjoyful frolicking brought them close to each other and, without thinking, she bounced straight into his embrace like she used to, her own arms wrapping around his neck and her legs hooking behind his back at the ankles.Hislarge hands automatically cupped her bottom, the perfect fit.
Themove surprised them both.
Fora second they blinked at each other, their bodies coming to a stop while their chests continued to rise and fall.
Andthen their lips crashed together.
Shekissed him like she hadn’t kissed anyone for five years.Shehad forgotten about the firm feel of him and the way he always tasted of strawberries.Ashis tongue slid between her teeth, she dug her fingers into his hair and hauled him closer, bunching her hands into fists around the silken strands.Hepulled back for a brief moment and nipped at her lip before continuing to explore her with his mouth.
Bloodrushed to her head, making her dizzy with lust.Krishwas kissing her.Thiswasn’t happening in her imagination.Shehadn’t been making up the attraction.Adelicious ache sprang to life below her belly.
Carryingher like she weighed nothing, he strode to the editing room door and kicked it closed.Hepinned her against the smooth wood.Francescamoaned.Withher dress bunched around her waist, she could feel his arousal straining at the thin material of her silk underwear.Shepressed her body downwards and then back up again, enjoying the sensation of him sliding against the sensitive bundle of nerves between her legs.
Hisfingers dug into the skin under her thighs, tantalisingly close to where they met in the middle.Shewondered if he could feel how slick she was, a flood that had started when he’d been singing that damned song on the ukulele.
Shethumped her head back against the door and he dragged his mouth down her neck, sucking and nibbling as he went.Shearched her back to offer her breasts through her cotton dress.Hishead dipped and he found her nipple with his teeth, biting down just hard enough to make her breath catch.