Page 52 of Chasing the Light

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Page 52 of Chasing the Light

Connorcrowded closer toChefand sniffed like he had smelled something bad. ‘Idon’t know if your mother didn’t love you or your father was a dick, or maybe both, but you seem to think your problems are everybody else’s fault.Nowonder your ex-wives divorced you.Frankly,I’mamazed they married you in the first place.Youneed therapy.’Heturned and packed his computer into his bag. ‘We’redone here.’

ShockmadeChef’smouth hang open and his beady eyes go wide. ‘Youfucking kidding me?Youcan’t speak to me like that.Notwith whatI’mpaying you.’

‘Youknow what?Keepit.Idon’t want your money.AndI’mdeleting your photos.’

Krishdidn’t hide the smile that tore across his face atConnor’swords, even as adrenaline coursed through his veins.Withouta backward glance, he headed for the exit.

Onceinside the van,Connorengaged the engine and backed out of the alley.Silencehung in the air as he waited for a space in the traffic to pull out.

Krish’shands still shook.Hecouldn’t believe what he’d just done.Itwas unlike him to act so rash.Withthe all-encompassing rage coursing through him, he would have beatenChefto a pulp ifConnorhadn’t stopped him.Normallylevel-headed, the sudden burst of anger confused him.Hisparents had always taught him the superiority of brains over brawn.Whathad triggered him to act that way?

Ofcourse, he knew the answer.


‘Areyou okay?Wantto talk about it?’ askedConnor.

Krishlooked out the window, his eyes unseeing.Hehad a lot of thinking to do. ‘No.’


Stellatookanother sip of red wine as the front door clicked closed.Theclock read 7:45PM.She’daskedConnorto be home by seven.

‘Somethingsmells gorgeous.’Heentered the kitchen, dropping his bag on a stool.Hesounded tired.Shecontinued to stir the curry.Itwas based on a recipe they’d learned inIndia, his favourite.Shealso wore a short sundress they’d bought inAustraliathat showed off her legs.

Hedidn’t apologise for his tardiness, butStellabit her tongue.Shehad to keep her eyes on the prize tonight, which was breaking the news about leaving him in charge of their daughter for three days while she went to work withKrish.

Pickingup the bottle of red, she poured a generous glass and handed it to him. ‘Goodshoot today?’

‘Well, let’s put it this way.Idon’t thinkI’llbe photographingChefanymore.’Hetook a long sip.


Leaninghis hands on the island, he dipped his head and looked at her. ‘Hewas spouting his usual misogynistic bullshit and…well…Krishalmost beat the shit out of him.’


‘Yeah, he lost it.’Connorsat on the stool next to his bag.

‘Thatdoesn’t sound likeKrish…’

‘Iknow, but it happened.Honestly, he did me a favour.Chefis such a prick.Everytime he books me,Ithink to myself it’ll be the last time.’

Stellalaughed.ThinkingofValentina, she said, ‘Atthis rate, you aren’t going to have any clients left.’Sheturned toConnorwith a smile, but he was staring at something in the distance, his face serious.

‘EarthtoConnor…’Pushingaway from the oven, she rotated his stool towards her and slotted between his legs.Asshe kissed him, his arms snaked around her waist, pulling her closer.

‘Uhuh ah,’ she said, drawing back from him and waving a finger. ‘Dinnerfirst.’Shewasn’t going to let him sabotage her plans.


Itwould be nice if he asked howStellawas doing. ‘She’sasleep.Wewent to the zoo today.Again.’

‘Yeah,Iknow.Isaw the pic you posted onInstagram.’

Itwas a really cute picture ofGraceat the penguin pool.Apenguin had swum up to them, and she’d reached out a hand, as though she could touch the bird through the glass.Itwas just a simple snap on her phone, but the image felt full of natural wonder mixed with the joy of childhood.

ConnorcaughtStella’schin with his finger and stroked the cleft. ‘Ithought we’d agreed we wouldn’t put pics ofGraceonline.’

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