Page 57 of Chasing the Light

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Page 57 of Chasing the Light

SinceleavingConnor’sstudio after their job yesterday, he had done a lot of thinking.Athome he laid in bed, awake half the night, lost in thought.He’deven forgotten to eat, which meant this was really serious.

Afteralmost punchingChef,Krishhad to acknowledge one glaring fact: he had feelings forFrancesca.Strongfeelings.Feelingsthat made him want to get into fights for her like some sort of modern-dayRockyBalboa.ButKrishhad never been in a fistfight in his life, despite having the muscles for it.Onlyone explanation made sense for his knee-jerk reaction yesterday: he lovedFrancesca.

Buthe also lovedJess.Howcould he love two women at the same time?

JessandFrancescawere polar opposites.Jesswas like water andFrancesca…well, she was definitely fire.Jesswas calm and caring, the kind of woman that would be a solid life partner, mother, and lover.Somebodyhe could count on.

ButFrancesca…she wasexciting.Shewas passionate, vivid, colourful, and magnetic.Hehad so much in common with her and she made him laugh in a way thatJessnever did.LivingwithFrancescawould be a never-ending roller coaster.Yearsago, he vaguely remembered talking to her about what she wanted from life…Marriage?Children?…but he couldn’t remember what she’d said.Maybehe should find out.

However, the big question he had was: what didhewant in his life?Wateror fire?

Ofcourse, the whole thing was moot if she didn’t want to be with him, so he set himself the task of asking her.

Andhe had.

ButFrancescadid not want him.Whateverher reasons, she’d made that abundantly clear.

Hewatched her leave the room and decided not to follow, even as a fist squeezed his heart.

Ashe escapedthe building for some fresh air, his phone rang.Hissister’s name flashed across the screen.Krishdidn’t really want to speak with her right now, but they had plans to confirm.

‘Hey, hey,Little!Howya doin’?’Herbright, husky voice pierced through his sadness.

Hecleared his throat so he could match her tone and hide how lost he felt. ‘Hey,Big.Allgood.You?’

‘Lookingforward to dinner with you andJesstomorrow night. ’

Heclosed his eyes and ran his free hand through his hair.Itwould be the first time he sawJesssince his kiss withFrancesca. ‘Yeah, what time do you want us?Whatshould we bring?’



Shepaused for a second. ‘What’swrong?Yousound off.’

Ankitaknew him too well.Normallyhe would confide in her, but she loathedFrancesca.Ifshe were on fire,Ankitawouldn’t even consider the possibility of givingFrancescaa glass of water.Partof him thoughtAnkitahad also felt betrayed whenFrancescawalked away.Hissister and his ex-girlfriend had grown close in the time they’d dated, butAnkitasaw things in black and white.OnceFrancescaleft,Ankita’saffection had turned cold overnight.

Hissister had helped him through the breakup.She’dseen first-hand how devastated he’d been.Tellingher that he had considered leavingJessforFrancescawas not an option; she’d give birth on the spot. ‘I’mjust tired,’ he said and changed the subject to something that would distract her. ‘How’stheBellyBean?’

‘Icannotwaitto get her out of me.I’mcounting the days.Fortyto go.Thislittle sucker better not be late.’Forthe baby’s sake,Krishalso hoped she didn’t screw up her new mum’s schedule.Ankitaliked to be in control of things.

Rememberingthat he had some good news, he said, ‘DidItell you?Ibooked a big wedding.Ahuge two-dayIndianaffair.’

‘Really?That’sfabulous!AnyoneIknow?’Ankitaworked in entertainment law and seemed to know everybody.Shewas always dropping names, but now it was his turn to drop one.

‘Idon’t think so.Well, maybe.It’sVashneyOberoi’sson.’

‘ThebigBollywooddirector.Well, hot damn,Little!’

‘Iknow.Betweenyou and me, his son’s a bit of a prick, but it’ll be great for my portfolio.’

Shemade a pfff noise. ‘He’snot that bad.’

‘What?Doyou know him?’Krishwouldn’t be surprised.

‘No, sorry,Imean,I’msurehe’s not that bad.Anyway, gotta go.Ihave another call.Seeyou tomorrow!’Andshe hung up.

Hisconversations withAnkitawere always sharp and fast.Timewas literally money in her job, where every second of her day had to be logged against a client.Itwas one of the things he’d hated about being a lawyer.

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