Page 60 of Chasing the Light

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Page 60 of Chasing the Light

‘WhendidKrishsay we’re leaving?’Stellaasked, as she turned a page and drank her tea, seeming to enjoy the disgusting brew.

Francescahad to admire her determination to keep the conversation going.Inan alternate universe,Francescawas sure she’d love to get to knowStella, but not here and not now. ‘Um…he’s renting a mini-van to drive the whole team up together.Leavingfrom here onFridaymorning,Ibelieve.Goingstraight to theMehndiParty.’

‘Ah.Andwhere are we staying?’

‘Somebed and breakfast nearby.’

Anotherawkward silence descended, andFrancescawished she could hide her discomfort in sips of tea, but she wasn’t putting that shit in her mouth again.

Finally,Stellasaid, ‘Gosh, it’s so exciting, isn’t it?’

‘Yes.It’llbe a great wedding.’

‘No, sorry.ImeantKrishandJess.’

Francescablinked.Whatdid she mean?

Whilestill casually flipping through the album,Stellasaid, ‘Parisis so gorgeous.Somany memorable places to propose.’

PROPOSE?Krishhadn’t mentioned anything about that.Herstomach clenched like she’d been punched and she spilled the tea onto her bare legs. ‘Shit.’Shegot up and ran over to the kitchenette for a cloth, glad that the false wall hid her fromStella’sview.

UnawareofFrancesca’sdistress,Stellacontinued, ‘Myhusband,Connor, asked me to marry him inMadrid…’

Bloodroared inFrancesca’sears, making it impossible to hear more.KrishwasproposingtoJess—even worse, inParis…where a lock with ‘K&F’ on it had once adorned thePontdesArtesbefore the government removed them all; whereKrishandFrancescahad asked a passing tourist to photograph them kissing in front of theWallofLove; whereKrishhad said those three words she both yearned for and dreaded.She’dwanted to say them, too, but the words stuck in her throat, blocked by her own wall of reasons.

Sheleaned over and put her hands on her knees, sucking air in and out of her lungs like she had just finished a long race.Forgottenstreaks of brown tea ran down her legs, pooling in her sandals.

Krish—herKrish—was getting engaged.

Shedidn’t know why it shocked her so much.She’dtold him that she didn’t want him, so he was free to do as he pleased.Ashe’d said, this weekend had been scheduled a while ago.WhenFrancescarevealed that she ‘had a boyfriend’, he was probably relieved.Itmeant he could carry on with his precious plans, get on with building his perfect life with his perfectly fertile baby goddess.

Sowhy did it feel like her heart was going to detonate at any second?

‘Iwonder whoKrishwill ask to photograph his wedding,’Stellasaid from the sofa, and this timeFrancescacouldn’t hold back a loud sob.

Suddenly,Stellawas there. ‘Areyou okay?’Shestood near the partition wall, her forehead riddled with concern.

Onlythen didFrancescarealise that she had hot, salty tears pouring down her face. ‘Yep.Fine.’

‘Shit,’Stellasaid before moving closer and putting her hand onFrancesca’sback, rubbing in a circular motion like a mother comforting her child. ‘Yourperiod pains must be something else.’

Stillbent over with her hands on her knees,Francescanodded, happy to letStellathink that was the cause of her anguish.

‘CanIget you anything?’

ThistimeFrancescashook her head no.

Stellacontinued to rub her back.Itactually felt quite nice.Herown mother had never done this, not being the touchy-feely type.

Continuingon her new favourite subject,Stellasaid, ‘Krishphotographed my wedding.’Sheobviously thought that blathering on about weddings might takeFrancesca’smind off the pain.ShewishedStellawould just be quiet, but, no.Shecontinued: ‘AlthoughIhave to wonder if he might askConnorto be his best man.Jesswill make a beautiful bride, don’t you think?’

Apicture ofJessstanding next toKrishat the altar filledFrancesca’smind.Shecouldn’t take it anymore.Hershoulders shook as the sobs returned.

Stella’shand stilled for a moment before resuming its circular motion. ‘Oh.Isee.Thisisn’t about your period, is it?’

Francesca’scheeks burned with shame.Standingso thatStella’shand fell away, she grabbed a piece of paper towel and wiped it across her face, her snot leaving slug trails.Attractive. ‘Whatelse could it be about?’Sheblew her nose.

Tiltingher head to the side,Stellacrumpled her eyebrows in sympathy. ‘Doyou…want to talk about it?’

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