Page 68 of Chasing the Light

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Page 68 of Chasing the Light

Krishhad instructed the whole team for theBlenheimjob to arrive at 11AM so they could help pack the equipment into the van before heading straight to theMehndiPartyinOxfordshire.

Overthe weekend, whileKrishwas still inParis,Francescahad gone in to water the plants and prep her kit, which she’d left in a pile next to the door, ready to load.

Partof her argued that she had done this while he wasn’t there so she could concentrate on making sure she had everything she needed without his distracting presence.Butthe other, scared part of her knew it was because she didn’t want to see him yet, all shiny and newly engaged.

Wouldhe act differently towards her?Colder?Morealoof?

At10:45, a silver minibus pulled up in front of the white stucco building opposite andKrishgot out.Herheart pounded at the sight of him.Shelifted her large sunglasses to get a better look.Somethingwas different about him, but she couldn’t put her finger on what it was.Anengaged glow?Shewished she could see him more clearly.

Withoutturning in her direction, he windmilled his arms to get a good stretch and cricked his neck before disappearing through the front door.

Afew minutes later,Stellaarrived in the company of a ridiculously handsome man and a child.FrancescarecognisedConnorKnightandGrace.Hownice that they came to see her off.Theperfect little family.

No,Francesca.Shegave herself a mental slap.Shecouldn’t keep being angry at people for being happy just because she wasn’t.Lovethyself, she repeated the rat’s message.

Krishemerged from the building carrying some ofFrancesca’skit.Heput the items down asGracetoddled towards him and swept her up, as though she weighed nothing.Bothof them were laughing.Hetilted her body downwards and blew a raspberry on her stomach.

Hewas so natural with kids, whether they were biologically related to him or not.ThewayGracewas laughing in his arms was proof of that.Whyhadn’t she seen that sooner?Whyhadn’t she trusted him with her secret?Herlife could be so different right now.

Butit wasn’t.

ConnorkissedStelladeeply, holding her face between his hands.God,Francescawanted to be kissed like that.HetookGrace, waved, and walked back towards the tube station.Good.Francescadidn’t think she could handle meetingtheConnorKnightright now, on top of everything else.

Krishpacked the bags into the van, closed the boot, and disappeared back into the building withStella.

Poppingtwo co-codamol in her mouth,Francescawashed them down with the last of her lukewarm coffee.Standing, she squared her shoulders.Shegrabbed the bag of road trip snacks that she’d bought, and left the haven of the cafe, dragging her suitcase behind her across the road.Inthe lobby, she parked her luggage next to the reception desk and greetedMick.


‘Whattrash you reading today?’


‘Anotherfeel-good story, then.’Unzippingher luggage, she pulled out a book. ‘Ibrought something for you.Ithought you might like to read one of the most important feminist works of the 20thcentury.’Shehanded him her worn copy ofBridgetJones’sDiary. ‘Makesure you return it.Ihave notes in the margin.’

‘Thanks,’ he said, taking it from her with an appreciative smile. ‘Iwill.’

Okay,Ican’t avoid seeingKrishany longer.Shestowed her bags next to the reception desk and pushed the lift call button.Toofast, it came.Shestepped inside, her apprehension growing with every movement.

Heregoes nothing.

Upstairs,the office door was wedged open.Francescastopped just outside for a moment, to indulge in a few deep breaths.Shewas gladStellawas there—Francescadidn’t think she could handle being alone with newly-engagedKrishjust yet.

Hisdeep, resonant voice floated through the door, and her ears devoured every word: ‘Let’sbring those bags to the van first.’Hecould make anything sound sexy.

Stellareplied with excitement, ‘Irefuse to take anything until you tell me how the proposal went!’

Francesca’sfeet moved before she’d even sent the command.She’dbe damned if she was going to listen to this story.Shestepped into the room.

KrishandStellaboth startled, like they’d been caught planning a murder.Francescadidn’t miss the look that passed between them:We’lltalk about this later.

Hercramps chose that moment to ignite, the co-codamol yet to work its magic.Herfacial muscles tightened with the effort it took to hide the ache.Thankgoodness for big sunglasses.Rightnow they were keeping all ofFrancesca’ssecrets: the puffy residue of a week full of tears, the pain, her feelings forKrish.

‘Youshaved,’ she said, glad he couldn’t see the joy in her eyes.Alleluia, the hair was gone.

Herubbed his newly shorn jawline. ‘Neededa change.’

‘Ilike it better.’Seeinghim without his beard…Itdid things to her, and she couldn’t help but gawk.TheKrishof five years ago had reappeared.Hisdimples seemed to be waving at her, freed from their hairy prison.Shewondered why he’d done it.

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