Page 8 of Chasing the Light
‘Anyway, you look amazing,’ saidClaudia.Shemade her way to the kitchen and began unpacking milk, eggs, pastries, and other cupboard essentials.
Herstomach grumbling,Stellaseized a cinnamon swirl and handed half a croissant toGrace, who squirmed untilStellaplopped her onto the floor.
‘Hey,Claudia,’ saidConnoras he entered the kitchen, as though they had just seen each other yesterday.Hekissed her on both cheeks. ‘How’sthe family?’
‘DrowninginLegoand barely surviving the fearless fours.’
‘Ooh, pastries.’Hegrabbed a pain au chocolat. ‘Price,I’veleft the suitcases in the laundry.I’mjust going to pop to the studio for a quick update withKrish.’
Stellaalmost choked. ‘Whatdo you mean, you’re going to work?Wejust got home.There’sstuff to do.’
‘Iwon’t be long.Justa few hours.’
Shesighed with exasperation.Sheknew that ‘just a few hours’ probably meant ‘see you in the morning.’He’dget stuck into something, the time would slip by, and he would suddenly realise that it was almost midnight.Meanwhile, she’d be sorting through dirty clothes, dealing with the effects of long-distance travel on a toddler, and doing an on-line shop to restock their cupboards, all alone.Shewas annoyed, but also too tired to argue about it now.
‘Fine,’ she mumbled.Butif he thought she was going to be doing all that laundry on her own, he had another thing coming.
‘Bye,Gracie.’Hekissed his pointer finger, leaned down, and placed the kiss on his daughter’s nose.Hermouth covered in croissant crumbs, she smiled her gummy smile at him and said, ‘Dada!’
Connorgrinned like a besotted fool, andStella’sheart softened.Sheturned her cheek towards him, expecting a kiss of her own, but he had already left the room.Hemust be really excited to seeKrish, she thought.Thefront door clicked closed moments later.
Gracepushed herself into a standing position and took a few tentative steps in the direction thatConnorhad gone.Shewalked a few feet and then flopped down on her bottom. ‘Dada!’ she called.
‘Ohmy god,’ saidStella. ‘Clauds, those were her first steps!’
‘Fuckme!’ saidClaudia. ‘Sorry,Imean, great job,Gracie!’
Bothwomen crowded around her, andStellapicked her up for a cuddle. ‘Connoris going to be gutted he missed that.’
‘Let’sjust recreate the moment and film it.That’swhat iPhones were invented for.’
Stellaplaced her daughter on her feet and shuffled away from her whileClaudiahit record.Thetoddler took a few steps, wobbling but determined, straight intoStella’sarms.Asmother and godmother praised her,Gracebeamed up at them and did another first for the camera. ‘Fuck!’ she said proudly.
Onehourand many steps later,StellaputGracedown for a nap and joinedClaudiafor coffee in the living room.
‘So, how was it?’Claudiaasked, pulling one bare foot onto the sofa.
‘Amazing.Life-changing.It’shard to put into words.Didyou see all the picturesIposted onInstagram?’
‘Iknow.Iknow.Therewere a lot.Butwe saw so much!AndI’mtrying to grow my socials.’
Claudiasipped from her mug. ‘Holyshit, this is great coffee.’
‘It’sfromThailand.It’sbeen pooped out by elephants.’
‘That’sdisgusting.Idon’t suppose you brought any back for me?’
‘No, butIdidbuy you a penis-shaped bottle opener fromBangkok.’Theyhad a long-standing tradition of giving each other crap gifts.Stellanoticed thatClaudiawas leaning on the wedding present she’d made them: a pillow printed withConnorandStella’sfaces under the words ‘GettingHitch’.Itwas truly horrendous.InGrace’snewborn phase,Stellahad used it as a breast feeding pillow.
‘Gee.Thanks.Sowhat was your favourite part of the trip?’
‘Um…gosh, there were so many placesIloved.IfIhad to choose one…’
Claudiachecked her watch.
‘…I’dsayRwanda.Sucha beautiful country.Wemet this girl inKigali.Colette.Shesaw us taking pictures and approached us to talk about photography.Turnsout she’s extremely talented—’