Page 90 of Chasing the Light
‘Can’t.Sorry.Ihave so much prep work to do for the meeting.I’vegot to put together mood boards, clear my schedule.Oh,Ishould mention that, ifIget this job,I’llneed to head toSouthAfricafor two weeks.’
Sheput the flutes back in the cupboard with a little more force than necessary. ‘What?When?’
‘Endof the month.Hey, maybe it would be a good time for you to go see your parents?’
Convenient.Connorloved any excuse to get out of visitingWales, even though her mother adored him and treated him like a prince whenever they went. ‘Maybewe could come with you.ToSouthAfrica.’She’dlove to go travelling with him again.They’donly been back a month, but she could use another dose of the constant adventure.
‘Mmm.Idon’t think so.Itwon’t be any fun for you.I’mgoing to be working the whole time.’
‘That’sokay.GraceandIcould just hang out at the hotel.Orif it’s nearCapeTown, we can go to the beach…’
‘Ijust don’t think it’s a good idea.I’llneed to concentrate on the job.It’smy first break into fashion, and it’s got to go perfectly.Sorry,Price.’
‘Oh.Oh, well.’Theair in the kitchen became thick with disappointment—not that he noticed—andStellaneeded to get outside. ‘Comeon,Gracie.Let’sgo for a walk.’Itwas time forGrace’safternoon snooze anyway.Shewalked around the island and bent to take the iPad.Assoon as it disappeared,Gracestarted crying.
‘Connor, can you help?’Stellapointed her chin towards the pram parked in the corner.
‘Ofcourse.’Heleapt up to retrieve the pram.Betweenthem, they managed to secure a resistantGracein the baby seat.
Rememberingthat she hadn’t told him the big story from the wedding,Stellasaid, ‘Bythe way,KrishandJessbroke up.’
Thatseemed to get his attention. ‘What?!Ithought he proposed to her.Paris…wasn’t it?’
Stellatucked a blanket into the pram, andGracetossed it on the floor, still missing her pig programme. ‘Iguess not.Herealised that he didn’t want to spend his life with her.’
‘Huh.Ithought they were solid.Iguess you never can tell what goes on behind closed doors.’
AsStellamanoeuvred the pram down the front steps, she thought she couldn’t agree more.
Francescastarted removingher clothes before they’d even stepped across the threshold ofKrish’sflat.Nowthat they’d started having sex, she wanted to get her fill.Afterall, she could only really engage in intercourse during the first couple weeks of her body’s strict schedule of pain and torture, so she wanted to get it in while she could.Nopun intended.
Theydidn’t make it past the blue sofa the first time.Secondwas in the shower.Thirdin the bed, after which they promptly fell asleep.Theydidn’t awaken until early onMonday, whenFrancescaslid beneath the covers and woke him up in the best way possible.Shecould get used to this morning routine.
‘Fancya cuppa?’ she said afterwards.
‘I’llget it.’
‘No, you stay in bed.’Shepretended to bow as she backed out of the room naked. ‘Ican boil a kettle.’
Thenew-build kitchen was compact but sleek, with a wall of white cupboards and drawers that gave her no hints as to their contents.Sheopened one and found plates.Anothercontained wine glasses.Finallyshe found the mugs—all white as well.Shefilled the kettle and leaned on the marble counter to surveyKrish’sman cave while waiting for the water to boil.
Itlooked like the sort of flat he’d have.Uncluttered, tastefully decorated, just enough furniture.Onthe wall opposite hung three vintage movie posters:KingKong,JohnyMeraNaam,and theBladeRunnerone that used to hang above his bed.Shesmiled.Shelooked forward to five years’ worth of catching up on their favourite films.
Thekettle whistled and she poured water into their mugs, making sure to keep the strings of the tea bag from slipping into the boiling liquid.Sheopened a drawer, searching for a spoon.
Aframed picture ofJessandKrishstared back at her.Hersmile slipped.
He’dobviously put his couple photos away after the break up.Francescapursed her lips.Thetwo of them made such a striking pair.Whatiftheywere meant to be together?HadFrancescafucked upKrish’sdestiny?Whatif he decided he didn’t wantFrancescaand her baggage?Hecould probably still patch things up withJess, asAnkitahad said.
Stopit, she scolded herself.Hewants you.
However, the picture in the drawer reminded her he’d only just broken up withJess.Glancingtowards the bedroom door, she worried that she’d jumped too quickly intoCoupleLandwithKrish.Whatif she was the rebound relationship?Hehadn’t really had a chance to consider what being withFrancescameant for his life.Heneeded to spend some time playing it out, understanding the full consequences.Shedidn’t want to invest in this relationship, only to find that two years down the road, he changed his mind.
‘Needany help?’Krishcalled out.
‘Um, no!Allgood.’Sheclosed that drawer and opened the next one, where she found the spoons.