Page 18 of Unharmed
So, that’s precisely what I did.
“Ooh, you’re a big boy,” I said, pulling him close and settling him in one arm, so I could lift the keys with my other hand and jingle them in front of him.
Rhys reached for the keys and hit my face the first time, but he got them on the second try. I watched and laughed as he began shaking them in his hand like a crazy man.
My eyes shifted slightly, and that’s when I remembered I was in the middle of an interview. It might have been an unconventional one, but it was still a job interview.
“I’m so sorry,” I apologized to Banks. “I got a little caught up there.”
Something warm stole over his expression. “It’s absolutely okay. In fact, it looks like Rhys is fond of you.”
I offered a genuine smile in return, shifted my gaze momentarily to Rhys, and looked back at Banks. “I think he’s pretty spectacular, too.”
“So, do you think you’d like to be his nanny?” Banks asked.
Blinking my eyes in surprise, I said, “Of course. But… are you sure? Didn’t you want to ask me some more questions?”
“I did. But then I saw the way you just were with him and realized there wasn’t a question I could ask that would give me any more reassurance than that just did,” he explained. “Plus, I can still do a background check and look into your references, if I need anything else.”
I swallowed hard before my lips parted slightly. I hadn’t even been trying to impress Banks when I was interacting with Rhys. The little boy was just that fascinating, and it had been such a long time since I’d had the chance to hold a baby.
“Sure. Okay. Well, like I said, I’m happy to answer any questions you have,” I declared.
“Do you have any questions for me?” he countered.
I thought for a moment, realizing I probably should have come prepared with a list of concerns, but now that I was here, holding Rhys in my arms, I wasn’t sure I would have remembered them anyway.
“Well, assuming you’re serious about me being Rhys’s nanny, I guess my questions would just be with regard to his schedule. It’s clear to me, based on the way you timed this meeting this morning, that Rhys is on a schedule, and I know how important it is for a baby to stick to one of those. I’d just want to make sure I know what that schedule is, so this transition goes as smoothly as possible for him,” I answered.
Banks narrowed his eyes slightly, considered my words, and said, “I have an idea that I hope you’ll be open to.”
“Okay. What is it?”
“My mom is going to be here watching Rhys for the next week,” he started. “Would you mind coming by one or two days, whatever you think is necessary, to get a feel for how Rhys’s typical day goes? I’d obviously compensate you for your time.”
That was a great idea.
Rhys started wiggling in my arms, throwing his body slightly to the side in an effort to get himself free. After I put him down, I answered Banks. “Yeah, I can do that. I think it’s an excellent idea.”
The corners of his mouth tipped up slightly. “Perfect. Now, I do want to discuss my schedule.”
That made sense.
“Yes. What days and times would you need me here?” I asked.
“Generally speaking, Monday through Friday, normal business hours,” Banks shared. “That said, depending on whether I’m working on a case or not, it is possible I might need to stay late. It doesn’t happen regularly, but it does happen, and it usually is unpredictable. I’ll do my best to give you notice in case this happens, but it might not be much. Do you think this will pose a problem for you?”
If only Banks knew how I’d been spending my days for months now, he probably wouldn’t have asked me that question. Beyond having my mom, my sister, and my best friend stopping by to visit with me, or me heading over to Tabitha’s place for a change of scenery since I couldn’t think about driving much farther than that to visit with Jolene and my mom, I didn’t go anywhere.
“That shouldn’t be a problem at all,” I assured him. “Do you work on the weekends ever?”
“I haven’t since Rhys was born, but before that, Ineeded to do so on rare occasions. I wouldn’t expect you to give up your weekends if that happened now,” Banks insisted.
I shrugged and offered, “I wouldn’t mind. If you’re in a bind, need me, and I’m not doing anything else, it really wouldn’t be a problem for me.”
Appreciation washed over him. “I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks, Lamise.”