Page 21 of Unharmed
Lamise extended her hand to my mom, who reached out and shook it. Once she released it, Lamise focused her attention on Rhys, who was now happily playing with his stackable rings. Placing her hand gently on his head, she cooed, “Hey, baby Rhys. How’s it going?”
My son lifted his gaze to Lamise, and as she continued to talk to him, he broke out into a grin.
It was then my mom returned her attention to me. I shot a knowing smile her way.
Realizing they were all going to have a great day together and needing to get myself to work, I stepped forward and crouched down beside them. “I would love nothing more than to be able to stay here, but I’ve got to get going. Lamise, my mom can show you the ropes here, and hopefully you’ll have a pretty good idea of how things go by the time the day is over.”
“That sounds great.”
After giving her a nod, I said, “Mom, I know you’ve got your pre-op appointment later today, so I’ll be here to make sure you can get to that on time.”
“Call if that changes,” she remarked.
“I will.” Reaching out for him, I lifted Rhys in my arms one last time, kissed him, and said, “You’ve got these ladiesto yourself all day today, little man. Be on your best behavior.”
“He’s an angel compared to you as a baby,” my mom interjected.
I rolled my eyes, kissed Rhys one last time, and turned my attention to Lamise. “Any questions for me before I go?”
She shook her head. “No. I think I’m good.”
“We’ll be fine here, Banks. Get to work, so you can get back on time,” my mom ordered.
Confident they were all going to be fine, I set my son down, got up to grab my things, and left.
And on the way to work, I found myself feeling just a little less stressed than I had been in a very long time.
“So, how’d it go?”
It was a vain attempt and foolish notion to walk into work expecting I wouldn’t be stopped.
Though I knew precisely what Avalon was referring to with her question, with Damon standing there, my brows pulled together. “How did what go?”
Avalon shot me a dubious look. “This weekend and the impromptu meet and greet you set up with Lamise and your son. Did he like her?”
My eyes slid to Damon, and the confusion was written all over his face. “He’s a little young to be going out on dates already, isn’t he?”
Letting out a laugh, I shook my head and moved toward the reception desk. “Yes, he is. Lamise is actually a woman who stopped in here on Friday, looking for a job. SinceHarper Security Ops isn’t hiring, and I was in need of some childcare, I offered the position to her.”
“Ah, that makes sense,” Damon replied.
“And?” Avalon pressed, evidently wanting some clarification.
It was going to take me some time to get used to all of this sharing. I wasn’t exactly very good at it, but I figured if there was anyone who made it easy, it was Avalon.
I sighed. “And it went well. They got along great. She’s actually at my place right now with my mom, so she can get a feel for what a typical day is like for Rhys.”
Avalon’s whole face lit up with excitement. “Oh, that’s great news. I’m so happy for you. And for her.”
Nodding my agreement, I said, “Yeah, as long as I don’t go home to find she’s taken off because it’s more than she thought it would be.”
“Do you think that’s a possibility?”
Based on what I’d seen from Lamise so far, I didn’t think it was likely. Even still, it was hard to maintain a positive attitude these days.
So, I shrugged. “She’s seems eager about the job, and she’s a natural when it comes to interacting with Rhys, so I’d like to think we’ll be okay, but you just never know.”
“Well, I hope it works out the way you want, and you know if you ever need anything, Damon and I are happy to help,” she offered.